The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Just Because They Once Were Victims

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This is not an anti-semetic poem, or anti - Israeli poem.

This is a protest poem, in protest at the violation of human rights in attacking ships laden with aid and medical supplies bound for Gaza.

Israel has the right to exist... fact.

So does Palestine... fact.

Israel cannot starve out the Palestinians.

A colauge of mine from the Irish Trade Union Palestinian Solidarity is on one of the ships that was boarded yesterday, and we think is not among the wounded and dead. Those who acted in this manner are nothing better than the Iranian regime that shot Neda Soltani.

The regime that runs Israel today shows by its inhuman blockade of Gaza that they are the equivalent of the Kapos that helped the Germans keep order in the concentration camps in WWII.

They have nothing in common with those innocents who perished, in whose name the state was founded.

Just because they once were victims, does not give them the right to be the agressor today.

=============== THE POEM ===============
It does not give them the right
To crush the natives of this land
And use their US given might
To attack a peaceful convoy
Of internationally certified aid
To rattle sabres to the world
And make a people afraid.

Do they not remember where they were from
Do they not read that often times before
They angered God with such behavior
And that they anger Him once more?
They were once the victims
That everybody does know
It does not give them the right to be agressors
What happened 70 years ago...




GazaIsraelPalestinewarGaza Stripconvoyaid

◄ Hatred in the Heart of Olde England

For the Corncrakes Sake and Mankinds ►


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