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The trials

The valley of the light equal shadow of truth an love through the darkest moment   
Fear is a great divider and the greatest enemy are through fear of our mind and body 
Let rain cleanse the darkness through the tear of joy and laughter and love  
The fear of love is the admitting to your heart calling   
The love  of fear teaches us to be careful and open-minded to are surrounding through 5 s...

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poetryfamily poemfriends of the earthlovekey

This Instant

Right here, right now
is only where
I can be
nowhere else
has the key

This is it,
a conscious rhyme
beyond space–
beyond time

Instant chance
to lose or find
flow of Mind


© –Limericist NOW

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present momentpresent-centered awarenesskey

Left Luggage

Gone, you parked me here

As usual to wait your return

What men took my place?

Such lessons I never learn


I'm gasping for air in here

A dark locker is bondage

You took the key to the lock

I'm unwanted left luggage


Claustrophobia eats at

What self-respect I had

As nearby lockers open

I'm sure I'm going mad


Is that a key into a lock?

Are you to fr...

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left luggagelockkeyclaustrophobialockersworm turned


Two waves in the sea 
Two branches of the tree 
Two wings of the bee 
These are you and me 
In everywhere I go 
I keep your love to grow 
All over my heart's show 
Your eyelashes and brow   

Certainly, I can see 
One heart not a three 
Follow me, or feel free 
I got your heart's Key

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the key

new dawn

salt blue slate grey

push my head down under water

see me                 bobbing

feel me                                reaching

save me bright light release me

from sin i am saved

then you played my favourite song

as we danced in a circle


and around

each step

as waves

each hand

held tight

flowing silk

flowing water

we all


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baptismconcrete poetrykey

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