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Faith (Remove filter)

Echoes beneath the Shadow of Faith

The cooing of the dove grows fierce
Upon hearing that its land is no longer safe
Many have died without a trace
Many hearts have turned to ashes

The wind speaks to the dove,
"Do you not know, there is something that can wound without a cut?"
"Do you not know, there is something that can set hearts ablaze?"
"It has no form, yet it feels sharp.”
"It has no form, yet hearts struck by it fee...

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faithhumanlifemonument of lifepeace

Conversations with the Divine

In the hush of night, I speak to You,  
My heart is heavy, my faith unsure,  
I’m young, on the brink of my prime,  
Yet time seems to slip, like grains of sand.

I ache, Lord, in this restless quest,  
Trying to believe, though I’m oppressed,  
Do I continue in this weary chase,  
Or is it just a lost, empty race?

I see others, their paths seem clear,  
While I stumble, gripped by fea...

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Pain Relief

When will it go away?


The pain in my chest


Pain in my stomach




It’s repetitive and never stops


It creeps up on me like bugs


Stings like a wasp


Bites like a mosquito


And leaves, taking a small part of me


Some say it’s a part of life 


Maybe I don’t want that


If this is life 


Maybe I don’t want any p...

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painlovefriendshipreliefpain reliefhoperegretlossfaithpoetrypoem

I AM, (Both sides)

I am the serpent that writhes in your mind
Decisions, derision, words formed unkind
Mestophiles old, sat cast in stone.
Place steel in your hand that cuts to the bone.
Sameal seducer, moulder of man.
To cast doubt on a love, destroy if he can.
Grigori descended to mess with your lives.
Carry the hurt out on many poor wives.
Lucifer guides,  the road easy and wide.
Your lead to take, to p...

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Your Devotee

I remember you soley,

make me your only devotee

when your rememberance dies,

you may take me.

Before then I only hope to be your devotee.

Forgive me.

I only seek refuge in your resplendence.

Take me away from the corruption,

That I may worship you only.

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If I woke up and worked every day

with a calm resolute execution of plans,

or perhaps at least stayed on approximate track

with the basic things for which I stand.


If with a small grain of faith I’d hold the course

knowing that by small things come the grand.

Then I think I’d be dangerous, I’d finally be...

an instrument in the Lord’s hands.

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faithgodgod's will

One Hair

I thought to change one hair tonight

from white to black, atop my head.

It seemed a try would be alright

while lying here upon my bed.


I called out to the powers that be

in all their forms amidst the sky,

but nothing changed at all for me

though I had given my best try.


I guess it’s human nature

to control the things at hand.

To try and make sure ever...

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Let the wolves run

Let the wolves run

I run faster

Let the wolves run 

I am stronger

Sure of myself 

I flex the muscles of my mind

No need to hide

I expel hexes in one breath,

You may not enter

Nor commit the theft 

Of my soul

You are uninvited 

Release the hatred from your heart

Vengeance is a waste of energy

To be enlightened is to be smart 

And rise above, rise!

I a...

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Vengeancehateenergycleansepurifyspiritualexpelhexfreespiritsoulmindbodyfreedommeditationgrowdevelopstrengthbelieffaithself beliefsense of selfprotectioncursefightdefeatblack magicpredatorwolves

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