The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.




Have you given up on me have I given up on you

What is it we really can do as we look like fools

Can't see the future past my own dreams

But can you say your truly free


Don't need no blessed beads.

Don't need no lucky rabbit's feet.


Just need our leader's minds to be free.

Instead of thinking of a destructive ideology 

They have a death wish for our society. 

As we strive for peace out on the streets


Don't need no psychic reading.

Don't need no mystic miracle.


Our past history should be a lesson, not a political chant.

Why would anyone ever want to go back to that

Step on a crack hope to break the presidents back.

Has it really come down to that looking for an easy hack


Don't need no tarot cards.

Don't need no astrological reading.


Just like a lie and the truth, faith, and belief are two different things. 

When the bell rings we are def too injustice as society screams

Uneducated words argued without any proof, it is all they can do

Just to be heard, ignorance should not be an excuse. 


Don't need no prayer.

Don't need no mantra.


My blessings are my own my sins I control

I follow a path set from long ago.

Not by anyone man not by any sacred book

Don't tell the directions to a destination you have never took


©Copyright Thomas Dooley 2020








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