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trip (Remove filter)

A little trip

In the abysses of your eyes

Launching myself

To take a little trip and realize

Trying to make sense.


I will probably find colours and

Infinite kindness,

Delicate magic imaginary hand

Giving soft caresses.


Or will it be a chaotic symphony

Precious music

Sweet anarchy you make pretty,

Beautiful archaic.


After all maybe it’s better not to.


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loveadventuretraveljourneytripa little tripcerebraldescovery


2 little girls


the back seat


3 bags of candy


upset tummies

from too many yummies

By Lynn Hahn

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Just A Simple Trip

riding through the wild ways

the green lays

the driven baize

and blinded

by the rain brilliant

bitumen burnishing

sun strafed degenerate rays

every crested rise

revealed an air superior

gray dicing the mazarine,

slicing the fourteen plus,

between here

and where I should have been

no storied moral here

just a simple trip

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tripdrivingwind turbines


they promised us "no rain" but

here we are

at the aptly named Water Lane

where the trees, be-whiskered of finger,

stroke their leaf free, would be, chins

bemused by roots once dry and thin now

fat and drunk


so let’s begin


we passed a fox

we passed a hound

but then a somewhat grisly mound

mechanically rendered

and from that point south ...

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Together we go to the nuclear bunker in York.                                                               

You wear red and black how Goth.                                                                          

You’re my pipistrelle bat.                                                                                 

How special is our day out but we hav...

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my karentripyournuclear bunkerladygothloveromance






Monochrome images swirl and collide on the surface of my mind,

round and round they go through the loops and coils of my brain.

Slowly they submerse themselves in colour, so much colour more

than in a rainbow.

Every image and sight I have ever seen is in here all waiting to show

themselves when the time is right.

The alcohol I had earli...

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mindsurrealtripmy head

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