hole (Remove filter)
Why be common when I can be different?
In the hole of the common, fear runs deep,
where the voice of the many stirs us from sleep.
Dress the same, speak without spark,
act like the crowd, it's mediocrity's mark.
Alienated souls, proud in their space,
yet some feel the pull and yearn to escape.
Clarity’s a pain, like islands alone,
different in values, they stand out, unknown.
Children are innocent, while the old face disdai...
Thursday 26th September 2024 3:16 am
Unbareable Truth
What a pleasurable pain
to be loved by someone who only wants to use you
someone who only wants your body and not your mind
accepting the fact that you are wanted, only for vanity and not for soul purpose.
You are but an object,
a hole for someone to dump their sadness into.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Thursday 8th March 2018 4:08 am
Becoming Alice
I gaze into the rabbit hole. It does not gaze back. And still, I am ready to enter.
This mischevious risk urges my desire
To fall within and forget all that is prior
I comtemplate the life I've lived and all the choices I've choose
And what is next in my life and where will my path go
I relieve my grip and accept this new phenomenon
I fall through the hole and embrace the myster...
Monday 13th October 2014 10:11 am
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