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Two Years On - Poems on the War in Ukraine
As you may have seen on the News and Features page, I have compiled a selection of fifty poems to mark the second anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Some of these poems will be familiar to regular contributors, but a number have not yet featured on the WOL blog.
This is a private print and not available for general sale, but I would be pleased to send a free PDF copy by e-mail to anyb...
Thursday 22nd February 2024 5:08 pm
We made a blood oath...
and yet the promise of it dissipated with the conversation I often expected.
As much as I’d love to over-describe, as some might expect me to, the weight of how I feel while concocting the narratives of Univerza, my writings mislead me.
I might say the campfire stories I told, which wrote themselves, are but a light in a pitch forest as I meander away ...
Thursday 10th August 2023 8:32 pm
Know You Better
Know You Better
I know you will be there at the agreed date and time.
I open my screen and there you are;
no excuses, not late, nor disinterested, never vague,
rather switched on, involved, intense, passionate, reflective, attentive.
Called to the stand I find a voice.
You listen quietly as I speak the unspoken.
Kindly, you allow me to continue
Monday 7th September 2020 2:23 pm
when the world continued to move,
she was stuck in her life.
she wanted to move on,
but her body felt numb.
she wanted to live,
yet she felt like dying.
she was losing all her hopes,
yet she dint give up.
she was hurting badly,
yet she kept on fighting.
and now when she looks back,
all the pain is long gone,
and there's this smile on her...
Monday 22nd June 2020 10:48 am
You Are My Priest
Is it not the beads you count
Is it not that blessing
Is it not your seated position
on the far side of the screen
It’s here I come and spill
twisting myself as rope
endlessly unknotting
a constant confessional
And through the cracks
behind the mesh
I feel your furtive eyes
licking my salacious lines
Dear reader
you are my witness
you are my priest
Is it not the way you br...
Monday 24th June 2019 8:12 pm
To TC and the loud writers
I am not Thaaumaturgically Charged
But thaumaturgically challenged
I like his input
no matter he hides from Facebook
Because I understand the need for Privacy.
So I sit in my privvy
Not thinking at all
Hoping that TC
will someday call.
Love to Janet and the others too who make this space worthwhile.
Thursday 18th February 2010 1:26 pm
Recent Comments
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David RL Moore on A lull in the fighting
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David RL Moore on A lull in the fighting
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