tiredness (Remove filter)
Gigged out
Tired, neutered and flat
Drowsy, battered and crap
Scatered, ears ringing and wondering
where did my weekend go?
Gigged out
Spat out and hurt
Load-in, set up in dirt
Sound checked, rain and disturbed
Darkness, smokey and curt
Irritable, sweaty of course
Days lost to the night
Hungry, beyond "alright?"
Midnight arrives
Still loading out in drove...
Monday 9th September 2024 2:43 pm
Lay your weary head down to rest
Don't be so hard on your haunted heart
Soothe your unsettled soul
Breathe deeply and exhale with easy
Release the tension from anxious bones
Quiet the anxious torment from your conscience
Allow your mind to slip away into the little death of a night's sleep
So once again in the morning you resurrect and rise anew
Tuesday 1st November 2022 11:23 pm
Technically a fool
Walking through summer snow, where who knows, wind just blows, on my way
I stray off, run amuck, find myself stuck until tide lifts me, bereft of care
Caught in my own snares, all these damn tires are patched up spares
Movements at night with silence scared, no one dared to ask why, prepare yourself to die
Tears cried over nothing's things, compressed piss between mattress springs
Life wields...
Sunday 18th April 2021 8:17 pm
Al-Barr (The generous and most courteous)
He was generous he was sweet
He fed us well, we were meat
Yet somehow as others hobbled towards his call
To feed, to fatten, to round, to fall
I saw myself getting sick and more frail
I felt death near, I felt pale
I saw the colors of existence washing away like dirt in a shower
I saw Him as he was, generous with the meat yet not generous with His power
Thus this was the cu...
Monday 11th May 2020 10:17 am
She is tired. She does get tired.
She is tired of pretending to be strong. Like things were always all right. She is tired of being left alone. She has this friend inside. This voice in her head keeps on yelling that she’s stupid, worthless, and pathetic. Darkness loves her so much that he clothed her with fear and anxiety.
At night while she sleeps, he comes like a robber then takes her hap...
Saturday 9th December 2017 9:12 am
Head In Hands
Head In Hands
when I bring my hands
to my face
the heels fit precisely
into the sockets of my eyes…
my thumbs circle my temples
but do not soothe or ease the pain…
each of my fingers press
against the bony ridge of forehead…
kneading, coaxing,
pleading for relief…
the insides of each hand
pinch against the aqualine
contours of my nose...
Sunday 1st May 2016 7:53 pm
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