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soothe (Remove filter)


Lay your weary head down to rest
Don't be so hard on your haunted heart
Soothe your unsettled soul
Breathe deeply and exhale with easy 
Release the tension from anxious bones 
Quiet the anxious torment from your conscience
Allow your mind to slip away into the little death of a night's sleep
So once again in the morning you resurrect and rise anew 


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My child...


I hold your hands
   For you to take a step
   For you to tread ahead
   For you to stand straight
   For you to hold your head high.

Step by Step

We walked together
   For you to gather strength
   For you to gain confidence
   For you to fathom a future bright
   For you to stand to apart upright

Higher the Flight

You rose to heights
   For you to shine

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