brokenhearted (Remove filter)
Yours Forever | Agonizing Words
From unseen messages,
And unanswered calls.
One day you'll realize that
There's someone dying just to be heard.
Looking for that one person
To be there for them.
When they need you the most.
They are the last ones there to be seen,
And that's very mean.
I just wanna be heard
When I'm about to burst.
I feel like drowning in the flood
Of my own tears with a greater thrust.
Sunday 3rd July 2022 8:04 am
When you left, you took a piece of my heart
When you left, my whole world came tumbling down
I became so lost
I was left in the dark
You took with you my light
When you left, I learned to fight
I learned to navigate this world without you by my side
I learned to be strong to no longer rely on your love
You thought I was weak,
For feeling too much
Now, you're the one ...
Tuesday 30th March 2021 5:31 pm
Michelangelo said the work of art awaited him beneath the slab of marble, merely for him to uncover it. In my own small way I understand that as I write these days. The poem I know is possible waits patiently at the other side across a murky divide and with luck and patience maybe I can reach it, reveal it.
Here is one I wrote about a barbecue years ago in the small town where I lived.
Friday 8th May 2020 11:43 pm
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