The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

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differences (Remove filter)


Six years, a social class or two, a religion and half a country between us

We found each other in a city large for me and small for him

I bought this tall, exquisite stranger a beer, only because I’d had a few myself

And found some courage there.


Was the moon full that night as he walked me home, and we sat close on the sofa?

My legs tucked under me, facing him, I asked, “What ...

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love and time passinglove poemsSelf-awarenessmeaningful relationshipsdifferencesreunited


Every person is quite unique. 
They can be boisterous or they can be meek 
With different thoughts and different ideas. 
With different pleasures and different fears.

Different views and different perceptions. 
Different beliefs and misconceptions. 
Different dreams. Different ambitions. 
Different roles and different positions.

Some may be reclusive, some are outgoing. 
Some may be i...

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Stuart VannerDifferences

Many sides of the truth

Why do things have to be only one way
Do you really believe we experience the same days?
Our lives take different twists and turns
And most of all we all truly do learn
So will you listen to me when I tell you
That your experiences are only one truth?
Your knowledge might truly be great
But it doesn't foretell everyone's fate
When I write, it's from one kind of perspective
But I am not sa...

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differencesexperienceindivivisualno right or wrongopinionspoetryrhymesome people relate others do nottake it with a pinch of saltUnique


She only hears the rooster's call
In the morning and peeks deeply
At the sun's beams through the window
The way she reads a talking mouth.

She's twenty-two but thinks like twelve
Keeping fairytales in her nook
How a sixth grader reads a book.
Old papers hide in her basket

With her touch becomes piece of art
As she tears and folds the pages
Forming flowers, vases and doves.
She has c...

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Same Difference by Ingara Maidou

Same difference

by Ingara Maidou

We think the same but at the same time differently.

We like the same things, but we usually don’t agree.

We speak the same but describe things differently.

We laugh the same but find different things funny.

It’s like we are the same but not completely,


You’re still you and I’m still me.

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