punk poetry (Remove filter)
He'll Make America Great Again
Don't give that man your tears today
Though it's dark now you'll find a way
Now is the time to laugh, sing and create
Throw the bile back at his tangerine face
I call on the punks, the poets, the artists, the revolutionaries and the visionaries, don't let the spark be snuffed out in vain
Come together and show him how you'll make yourself great again
Wednesday 9th November 2016 3:09 pm
Another moist, reluctant sunrise
through the night sweat morning dew
the worm pushed towards the light
loosely erect
Across the lawn
the over stuffed pigeon
puffed up her unkempt plumage
cooed a taunt
How dare you wake up today
How dare you show that you tried today
Waddling heavily
she pinched him up
gluttony oozing
heaved him away
apatheticaly consenting to his fat...
Monday 17th October 2016 12:34 pm
One sparked up a fresh Richmond under the glow of the heat lamp, the other puffed away on a menthol grape vape that scented the shelter.
The stubborn silence was broken with an offhand comment on the rain. He smirked, snorted and agreed but still seemed out of the moment.
Another heavy drag on the dark blue electric fag in his hand
Through thick and thin, for better or for worse, in sickn...
Tuesday 11th October 2016 2:37 pm
The Caveman
We had an argument
not a big all guns blazin’ my mother was right about you argument
just a silly one
that made me regress
retreat to my cave
where I consulted with the great oracle YouTube
he slid over his recommendations
topping the bill
John Lennon and Yoko Ono on love | Blank On Blank | PBS Digital Studios
John’s opening statement, when asked ‘’couples always seem to be not gettin...
Monday 8th August 2016 9:55 pm
For Peace & For Pride
On two summer days
in 1945
were casualties of Hell itself embodied on Earth
the pride of a foreign power
raised cities to ashes
scorched shadows into the soil
for peace
Between October 1962
and November 1983
the World faced exinction
day to day
minute to minute
all for the sake of
the pride of two foreign powers
On July 18th 2016
an unelected...
Tuesday 19th July 2016 11:12 am
Her, Love
I’m here to tell you
that she is
My Jamia
My Adrienne
My Lyn-Z
My Sally
My Morticia
My April
My Pam
My stars in the cold black night
My punk rock Queen
She’s a rebel
She’s a riot
She’s a muse
And I’ll always wear her heart proudly on my sleeve
her love is my energy
her love is my gasoline
and we’re burning bright.
Monday 11th July 2016 10:38 pm
Swayed On The Knife Edge
I held my breath taut
as she swayed on the knife edge
arms calming dipping, rising
dignified reslilience
I blew her my love and fell to sleep
as father turned on son
as daughter turned on mother
as neighbour turned on neighbour
as she fell
Rule Britannia?
Saturday 25th June 2016 9:25 am
An Open Letter To The Occupant I & II
Good afternoon one and all!
I hope this isnt cheating as such, but I've just uploaded a two-part poem over on my soundcloud, these can be listened to either as a whole or as seperate tracks. Please find the link below and I hope you enjoy!
Thursday 16th June 2016 4:05 pm
A Tale Of Reincarnation
6th December
There was a monk
well, a former monk
and he was handing out free cups of tea
to passers-by
As he did he spoke of
Great Energies
and letting go of material possessions.
I took him up on his offer and we conversed
but then he asked me about my job
and I ashamedly admitted that I felt down
I work for a corporation
but he held me in a s...
Sunday 12th June 2016 9:45 pm
Saturday Night Thursday Morning
Saturday night, family gathered around the TV
a small feast of pizza and chips waiting for BGT, Xfactor or Strictly
across the nation, we get sucked into this circus reality, our eyes transfixed and rigid as a mass of drones,
our fingers and thumbs hovering over Facebook and Twitter on our smartphones
we’ve all followed the stories and campaigns from week zero,
gripped our sofa arms as The A...
Sunday 5th June 2016 1:48 pm
Thirty Plus Years In An Open Necked Shirt
Thirty Plus Years In An Open Necked Shirt.
On seeing John Cooper Clarke @ Wakefield Theatre Royal (29/9/13)
Johnny Clarke, Johnny Clarke
a walking bag of bones
staggers out onto the stage
like Keith Richards from the Stones
rapid, machine gun delivery
sprays audience with Salford tones
jitters, jives, ducks and dives
whilst wrestling with the micr...
Tuesday 1st October 2013 4:59 pm
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