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Tango of Snowflakes

Our first snow in so many years…

Can you believe it?

See the white coat that our life wears?

Let’s just go out and live it.

I will not watch life through the keyhole

Hypnotized by the view,

When I can finally touch your soul

And tango with you.

I’ve grown deaf in the spring rain,

In the summer heat,

But now when it snows again,

I hear your heartbeat.

The snowfla...

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lovesnowflakewinterlife path

Winter Love

memories taste

like snowflakes on my tongue


and melt in my soul


love remains

like ice on the garden pond


in the memory of water

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Respect to the Snowflake Generation

Don’t listen to them when they call you snowflakes.

Don’t be hurt when they call you fucking pansies.

Pity them. They are damaged. And they fear you.


They think it’s too much work to be inclusive,

too used to being the privileged majority.

Who is it really that’s easily offended?


When they see they don’t define the world anymore.

You do. That is why they fear you.


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snowflakeSpoken Word poetrygeneration Zenvironmental crisisrespectAnti-bullyingnational poetry dayequality

Epiphany in the Early Morning

Low early autumn sun

a lone long strand of spider silk

                stretched across the window glass

                above a tiny downy feather like a snowflake

shivering in the breeze

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Snow Day

Snow Day

One cannot simply ignore this

Superstitions do not normally get my attention

That is, until premonition fruition

Hindsight and all

Yet while the bayous have snow

Rain taps my window pain

I cannot ignore this sign

This message

I will not see snow this year,

Perhaps for many years to come

Snow is too pure to be touched by my tainted skin

Yet still I pray ...

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I’m a snowflake mate

if you like


beautiful crystal

joining others

in a blizzard

that will white out

your false politics

stop your momentum

as we drift

into insurmountable

impassable glaciers

and in an avalanche

of hope

bury you forever


I’m a snowflake mate

whether you like it or not


a few




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Snow Flake

You come and you go

astressed with the trade winds

Tiny ghost dancer

flows to my head

clear and timed

tastes of sparkling ciders melt in my eye

attempting to leave no trace

I hold the proof of our a-cult

reforming love 

vitalizing movements seize life

breath exits as I consumed you

as glass inherits my soul 

timed and clear

breakable in an extraterrestrial se...

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