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sad love (Remove filter)


The bunker allows one person

If you know Im hiding there

Why are you trying to worsen

The barricade all around like a bear


Hungry for my tears ready to rip me apart

You will never find an unlocked door

I won’t let you intrude my poor heart

I fear it's too late; your eyes into mine bore


But then you growl like the bear you are

I hurry to push you out of my sacre...

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sad loveLove lost

Love you? Love my dog.

Her four paws

could conquer Everest.

Yet your two legs 

continue to stagger, 

tripping over our love,

As if peppered with stumbling blocks.


Her brown eyes

Emote a tender love.

Yet your shiny blues,

reflect less than nothing,

gazing critically at others

As if weakness demeans them


Her demeanour

Conveys contentment.

Yet your stolidity.

Viewed ne...

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sad love


Happiness was you. Happiness was us. Happiness was us and a cat. Now it’s just a cat. Not even our memories are happiness, tainted by the reality of which I’m living. Every trip down memory lane is a reminder that it’s just me and our beautiful boy. No memory looks the same as it was. Every laugh, every tear, every whisper, every hand that connected, every time you said I love you, means nothing n...

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sad loveemotional painheartbreakloss

Don't Tell Me

Don't tell me about sadness
I have felt it all along
Before my body knew how to ache
Before it bled to every wounds you made 

Don't tell me to keep promises
I've always dealt with lies, bad ones
Long before I knew love could trade me for some kind of infidelity
Before it sold the truth to buy back the dishonesty

Don't ask me to put on a smile
I've tried it my whole life
Before these ...

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sadnesssad love

The Darkest Night

Please guide me home
for tonight I wont be able to walk alone
I need soft-spoken eyes to show me the way
I need pure loving hands to tap on my shoulders
Kind-hearted soul for my heart to release this pain
I think I can't go any further
I know I've lost the track, can't find the right path to come back
I've screwed everything since the awake of the universe
I've forgotten what it's like to ...

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sad loveloneliness

The Missing Piece

I look for something that can't be found.

Though I search all night and day.

The memories of pain left a hole once more.

For my eyes are swollen as I cry.

That my heart was left sore.

For my answers will be found in the land that I am bound.

I am missing a piece of my heart.

And how I long for that piece.

I have a heartfelt need for that piece that can't be found.


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sad love


Fire cracks through the wind, is this what I am here for?

This fire is my soul and it seems to be dying so slowly.

Griping my very own seat of a rollercoaster hoping this ride could come to a calm.

This unsteadily feeling that I keep getting whenever I get close to you.

Its so dangerous for my heart.

Even though I feel like fighting for my broken soul..

It keeps being dragged awa...

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sad love

Old Flame


Though irretrievably
We had missed the boat
And in the meantime comfort
From many a consort
I did sought,
Still your substitute
I haven't got
From the lot
Fate's wind
On its sway has brought.

Yesterday's old flame
Has conveyed to me
The same!

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love of my lifememorysad love

The Gate

By : Ali Taha Alnobani


Yesterday she invited me to see the moon in her garden
The wind tried to prevent me
Although I was sad, I walked under the rain
The gate was full of small doors and small cats were looking at me
Their shining eyes told me the tale of my baby
One night she was looking at the moon,
But a big cat with shining eyes got her dreams broken.

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dreamdreaming spiresbroken dreamsRose DrewdrunkSweet Dreams Love Poem Poetrygatecatcatlovecathy flowerlove poetrysad poemssaddnesssad loveValentineValentinesValentine's Dayclosedclouddarknessdark tower

I'm to leave now


By: Ali Taha Alnobani

I'm to leave now

A tall ghost is carrying my bag

A long street is walking behind me

A mad merchant bought my smiles

And no water to renew the dusk

I can't have my step begun

Even if the rain washed my tears


I'm to leave now

Can I have a deep look at your eyes?

Can I take my dreams, your smile

And my dried red rose?


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farewellgood-byevaleValentinesValentineValentine poemleavingshe leave me small giftslovesad loveromantic distance love dan hookslove makingLOVE SONGfalling in lovelove and time passinglove passionfire flesh love passion obsessionlove sonnetLove lostlovedlove is deadLoverslove endingThe Passionate Lover To An Artisttravel love thoughts musing

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