The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Last Romantic

I am the last romantic
in the midst of digital chaos,
while love
navigates through algorithms
and bodies
become data
in the vast global network.

I still dream
of handwritten letters,
of the tangible touch
that slips between fingers
on touch screens,
where everything vanishes
with a swipe.

I sing of impossible loves,
in times of liquid loves,
where real encounters
are increasin...

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March 2017 Collage Poem - Internationalism


Blue enchantment, starlight pallette

Nazi visions of underworld clowns

An evening of art, newborns, and profanity

The clown is still king.


The bubbling, squeaking sound rising

Shaking in a frantic situation

Blood swept under a script

I saw the fox and he saw me


Creatives of the underworld

Bleed out onto the page, voice rage

We sit in a kaleidoscopic wom...

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GLOBAL WARMING-how long forming?

When the westerly winds and wet came storming

How come they said "It's global warming"?

On high ground in the snow and sleeting

Why so quick with "global heating"?

In January sixteen sixty one

Samuel Pepys (yes, that's the one)

Wrote of dusty lanes and flies

That seemed to fill the winter skies

No peep from Sam why flies were swarming

No word from him of global warming


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You can't Streep poverty under the carpet... - NaPoWriMo Day 9

A silence fell upon the city,

contorted shadows twisting moonlight.

Stuttering in a speakeasy seemed so misplaced

bottles rattled flickering like Fedora feathers

in an unforgiving wind.


The wretched odour of deprivation

a stench that sticks and degrades ones existence.

Even by day this city remains a lifeless sap

and by night the vampires feast on th...

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PoliticsHumanityMobstersBankstersWarNaPoWriMoGlobalThatcherMaggie ThatcherMargaret ThatcherFilmFilm NoirNoirProhibitionAmericaBritain1930s1980s2013universalpovertypoliticiansexploitationinequalityhatedivisioncelebrationclassClass Warvictorybattlestrugglecooperationcohesion

Ottava Riva - NaPoWriMo Day 8

Another attempt at my paternal tongue.

Un altro tentativo di mia lingua paterna.

And though I beam with pride as I'm learning.

E anche se mi fascio con orgoglio, come sto imparando.

I'm aware that translated, the metre is wrong.

Sono consapevole del fatto che tradotto, lo strumento è sbagliato.

But this language pulsates to my yearning.

Ma questo linguaggio pu...

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ItalyItalianRomeRomanPaternalFatherFamilyLoveSelf-discoveryDiscoverySelf-awarenessAwarenessHonestyGrowthInspirationInspirationalMetaphorPoetryOttava RivaOttava Riva formIambic PentametreMetreVerseLyricSpoken WordBi-lingualMultinationalGlobalPoeticInnovativeThe Five Faces of FulliUshiku CrisafulliCrisafulliNaPoWriMo

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