The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

nurture (Remove filter)


What mistake can you make that I haven't already?






Your horizon's my pleasure to roll back.

Wonder at my knowledge.


Now shared.

Steps taken.


Taken once. 

And I show you. 

Teach you. 

The way.


You step solid here.

Lean on this.


Into you.


I see you.

Hear you.

Know you ask th...

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growing upcome of agebrothernurture

Spring Tanka

A winter bite that

mocks the spring, pincers its cocoon.

A life supported?

Cease one's internal decay,

Even ice melts. Love's fluidity.

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WinterIceSpringThawCocoonMeltLifeMental HealthDepressionAnxietySelf-doubtLoveHonestySelf-beliefSelf-esteemNurturingNurtureSupportSupportingCareCaringLovingConsiderateCompassionCompassionateGrowGrowingPainSufferingLearnLearningDiscoverDiscoveryDiscoveringNaPoWriMo

Rain in the Summertime



Raindrops trickle on the forest's brow
Forming transparent puddles,
That reflect your querying face
And catches the dream of a moment.

Storm cells brew on the radar,
Fearful in their presence as they pass
Life on the brink of forever's portals
Until thunder morphs into cuddles .

In the streams your form takes shape,
Eyes that gaze with hope and love

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