The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

word play (Remove filter)

Upstairing A Nightly Groan

upstairing a nightly groan

of slow doored creaks

roomed a floorboarded wisp

yet twelving an houred air

midded hands trickling past

and hearted heavy those

the trembling onsleepers


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nonsenseexperimentalword play


Amphibious assumptions

Acuse us all

According to our actions

Aquatic astronauts evoke reaction


Architects assault

As antigen runs around

Amplfying aural aspects

As ants ascend 


Awful attempts at assumptions

As words aren't affecting

Ashamed and arriving

Aren't you glad

As it all ends 


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Surrealword playabstract



Tommy Licester went to Bicester
To see Sally, his little sicester
But on her door was a note
That Sally had wrote-
It seemed that Tommy had just micester

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doggerelword playhumour

Pig on trial

It's hard to live a making, hard, hard to make a living

even without the exorcist interferes. I've been a fog

harmer, a hog harmer. I have hogged farms all my life

and my father's life before that. I'm so mad I can't talk right

and the priest will probably say I'm witch crafted too.


I've already paid the lawyer more than the pork

is worth. The lawyers available to represent ...

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biblepigjokeword playdeathfunnytrial

Be infinitely infinite into infinity

I’m a cycle

I’m a circle

I’m a forever

I’m always

Casting shadows on myself

Packing silver on the shelves

Plus! Plus! Plus! Plus!

I’m infinity

Maths was never my forte

You cannot minus or divide me

I’m a forever

I’m always

Smiling when the moon comes

Smelling for when Monday runs

I was reborn, refreshed

I can be ironed and pressed

Good as new

I’m ...

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Infinityforeveralwaysfunenergyrythmicword playpep talkadvice

Sleeping through earthquakes

If I am your world

with my head lying on your chest,

then is the b-beat b-beating tectonic plates?

Is your heart safely caged?

Can I lift my head or will you break?

You are the love between my legs.

You are my love, between my legs.

Are you the birthmark on my flesh?

It beats: s-stay s-stay...

Is your heart safely caged?

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lovephilosophyrhymerhythmvulnerabilityword playworry

I am not locked up, I am the lock.

I am keeping a secret with myself

for myself,

clutching it within like a bird’s claw,

the carrier pigeons have been shot,

guess I forgot to warn the men with rifles,

suppose it wasn’t a clay pigeon after all.

My mouth is a gold crested envelope,

my lips are licked with wax:

they are an inked kiss,

the pout is the stamp,

my mind is the scroll:

bound and bound,


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behind the maskfeminismhiddeninternalpowerfulprivacysecretstrongword play



We were like ‘yin and yang’,

‘Spick and Span’

- Hot pot, big pan -

slick and tanned!

The could we can -

sweet, sweet like marzipan!

The kind of love that makes you FAT,

that attracts the sniff sniffing rats.

- Rap! Trap! Rat! The blind bats! -

But I walked and you ran,

I was kicked like tin-can

then you thought you were tin-man,

cause you forgot your heart ...

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word playfunconfusedidentityselfrelationshiprediscoveryreinventionlost



I’m on fire

A burning bed ignites me


I sleep

so you can dream,


 inside of me


I sleep so we can speak

I do not try when I’m awake


What would I say?


I’m sorry?


I’m on fire

In my sleep

with you

wrapped up inside of me


The wishing tree waits

So I wish,

and when I wish


 I wish th...

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poertyword playrhymingfree versefound word

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