The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

dealing with trauma (Remove filter)


I can remember the day
That I saw a picture of you
And didn't react at all

No rage
No sneers
No tears

I've never been happier to feel nothing

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poetryhealingdealing with trauma

Fight, Flight, Or

The word and I cannot coexist
I try to say it
I try to say it when it's late and i'm alone
When the only person who can hear me
Is me
It sticks in my throat
Turns my mouth to ash
Chokes me until tears stream
And the word is lost in my brain

I try to think it
I try to think it when the words fail
When I think that maybe if I can recignize it
Then it can't hurt me

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Poetrydealing with traumasadcatharsis

The Tide Will Come Out Of Your Mouth


Every time the glass of your skull

Crashes into the fist of another memory

To crush you where you stand

Because another memory has broken you

Because another memory has entered you

Like intruders, they force their way inside

They punch their way into your attention

They invade your heart

Until you must look at them

All so that they can violate you again


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acceptingassaultblockblock outbraverycoping mechanismdealingdealing with traumadifficultfeeling is okayforgetfuturegetting bettergrowingLiving after traumamemoriesmental healthmindmind protectsmoving forwardsmoving onpainpainfulpastraperecallreliveself preservationself protectionsupressedsupressed memoriessurvivortoxictraumaunderstandingviolence

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