The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

Welcome October

entry picture

It was a cold and crisp evening, 

9:30pm and the full moon shone down

brightly on my path, 

Guiding me, 

As my feet crunched through

fallen scattered leaves. 


A sharp chill filled the air

And the smell of wood burning brought me 

back to the good aul days. 

If I had just awoken from a coma I 

would have known for certain that it 

was Autumn. 


Amber leaves continued crunching 

under every step I took as a cool, familiar

stillness swept over me.

Greeting me gently, 

Just like an old friend. 


The repetitive sound of fireworks fired

through the sky in the distance as

neighbouring dogs barked wildly. 

The grand stretch in the evening is

a thing of the past I said to myself, 

As I welcomed in, October. 



◄ Rolling on

Basic brats ►


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