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Morals (Remove filter)

Jot And Tittle

I had to trade another jot,

I had to sell a tittle.

I had to cuz they told me that

I had to give a little.


I had to sit and wonder at

the setting of the sun,

what giving just a little costs

when all is said and done.

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valuestraditionsmoralsstandardserosion of society

Mind Neuroplacebos

Just thinkin' of that night,

Colors of black and crimson red,

And the 5 liters of blood and byle

That I internally shed,


It's a miracle that I'm alive,

Cause I should be dead,

Battling the depression sucks,

Sometimes it's hard to get out of bed,


Only God knows the everyday duels

With the devil I fight inside my head,

The people that I've hurt,

And the thi...

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The subconsciousdepressiontraumaSpiritualitymoralsGodlifedeathwealthpoor

Moral of the Story

Some may be weak and some may be strong

But it is for neither to look down upon

Those belonging to the other class

Because in the end we’ll know at last

The quality of all men, and how we are the same

From bones to dust, we return to our grave

A dark thought indeed but if you look at it right

Your innermost self might just see the light

The beauty of difference, of change, ...

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