What ever next
Beautiful city charged with celtic magic and culture
Sportsman warrior vibes surround the Muhammad Ali sculpture
Cast-iron strength foundation for scouse morals
Past are the times when straighteners solved quarrels
Gangs on busses some carrying blades
Boasting about firearms and handmade grenades
Balaclava stickmen, a frightened teen in disguise
dying inside ..One falls behind
now they're all doing time
The sky is filled with sadness another balloon release
Carrying a weapon will never bring you peace
Communities shattered as the broken glass is flying it cuts
Contaminating the air from blood to blood through association through toutch
And it spreads
catastrophic effects ..starts with a text
Innocent unfortunate victims dead
What ever next
Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh
Tue 14th Jan 2025 15:48
Tragic Sarah. Unfortunately, some of our youth have grown up admiring a culture of muscle-bound, empty-headed so-called "hard men".