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Chaos Life Judgement mental health (Remove filter)

A Soldiers Mind

I've slept and woke through trials and hardships,
given my pain, do I deserve to sleep?
The rot of my mind smells of crushed parsnips,
Pungent but pleasant, to me it's a feast.

Rally in despair, a Spartan prepared,
given nothing but a mind full of hope.
I've taken my fear, gone! Poof! In thin air,
And walked through the valley's filled with red dope.

Through the eye's of a Soldier, bui...

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soldiersonnetsmental breakdownChaos Life Judgement mental health


I can be Warm,

As Fire,

Or Cold,

As Ice,

Flexible like Water,

Or Rigid as Stone,


I can be,

As simple as Joy,

Or complicated as Rage,

Worse as Fear,


Or Beautiful as Love,



I can be Anything,

I can be Everything,


Depends on You.


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Chaos Life Judgement mental healthpoemloveemotionsdistancemilestrustinfeeling

Let them Think...

Every day,

Travelling through Life,

We encounter Them,

Some, maybe true,

Yet many,



They have,

An ever changing mind,

Facing me,

They call me sweet,

Behind my back?

They say I'm rude,

They call me good,

Then say I'm bad,

They say you're the Best,

And then?



Whatever they want,

Whoever they be,

Let them say,


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Heartbreak. Liesbad friendsChaos Life Judgement mental healthBetrayalsoulfoodsoulmindfulpositivehatefreedomdarkskin

Letting go

Let me tell you this 

a secret lies within oneself,

many dare to dismiss.  


Loving one who is broken, 

Creates complication 

And bliss. 


A problem to handle,

That is not ones own. 

A secret to help bury, 

Yet not to hold on ones own. 


The truth is set free,

When their true self is recognized 

By the one who had the power, 

All along on the ...

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LoveheartacheChaos Life Judgement mental healthLetting Go

Write now every day.

The fight 

Is so fucking



And deep. 


Deeper then

The sea


Pain lashed



Minds lost

In fathomless





Brassy deep


Dyed blond


Knickers in 


A drawer

With her


Frontal lobe



The search

Goes on




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Chaos Life Judgement mental health

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