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This is not a draft
I don’t want to mask my poetry
I want you to understand me
Curse your perfect rhythms, rhymes, haikus
Your lyricism, your literary
When I try to adopt it, I turn mute.
Something channels through me
(I’ve never really found the root)
A demanding stream of consciousness
That cannot stop to breathe, let alone
Wait, conceptualise, draft, redraft
I can’t!
Monday 7th October 2024 10:25 pm
Bury Me in Mine
tired jeans crumpled on the floor
simple in thread-bare wrinkles
fading blue an old man's mind
washed-up rebel forgot the cause
the rut of a conformed statement
cloned working-class uniform,
but just culture to put on
bagged fit, absorb the whole body
soften the pretentious air,
or relaxed fakes out the fat
or tight to bulb the bubbles
or straight to band the boots
or belled to fa...
Tuesday 13th April 2021 6:58 pm
You are so cool
In the things that you do
You are so cool
There is no one like you.
I am a fool
To think I could be that cool
If I try too
It would embarrass you.
You are so cool
From the heals on your boots
You are so cool
To the way you wear your suits
I got to prove
That my talents are worthy of you
Got to try
To make my own style.
You are so cool
In the way that you wa...
Friday 24th July 2020 5:50 am
Momentary Bliss
He said he wanted to make love
To her momentarily, and she didn’t
Know if he wanted to commence presently
Or only share his passion briefly.
Some people think it bad usage, of course,
To say momentarily to mean something
Will happen directly, in the immediate
Future, but true pedants disagree.
The disparaged usage has been around
Since at least the 19th century,
And use determines us...
Monday 12th August 2019 11:17 am
Tone Poem
Please note that this poem is pure fantasy!
Tone Poem
Oh, really, I find it so unutterably tedious
to be polite when faced with one so odious
as you. And yet, I must say
that you do, at times, take my breath away,
at least when I forget all your manifold flaws,
and the gold stashed beneath your creaky floorboards;
but I don't mean to be too unduly unkind,
Tuesday 7th November 2017 5:43 am
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