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Momentary Bliss

He said he wanted to make love
To her momentarily, and she didn’t
Know if he wanted to commence presently
Or only share his passion briefly.

Some people think it bad usage, of course,
To say momentarily to mean something
Will happen directly, in the immediate
Future, but true pedants disagree.

The disparaged usage has been around
Since at least the 19th century,
And use determines us...

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grammargrammar nazimomentarilystyleusage

Write Anyway

So it's cliche,
write anyway.

So it's not 
gramatically correct,
write anyway.

So it doesn't rhyme,
write anyway.

Don't let judgmental
"experts" distort
your perception 
of poetry 
or silence
the part of 
your soul that
longs to make
sense of life.

Just write 
any way! 

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poetrywriting poetrypersistencerhymeperfectionjust writegrammarpoems

Few and Less


(with no apologies for grammatical errors)


Few and less, less and few

Be careful which you choose to use

Two words that seem to be the same

Are not at all, as I’ll explain

Listen up and pay attention

And so avoid bones of contention

If you’re bothered just a tad

Here’s a lesson to be had.

Let’s suppose that we have shoes

(That’s easy a...

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Dusty Books

Dusty Books


I'm a poet 

Not a mechanic

If the rhyme breaks down

Should I panic?


For each syllable stretch

And stumbling scan

Do I search for another

Or act like a man


Must the purpose I scribe

Be for passing a test

Or maybe some mention

Of a tale with some zest


I think the audience tell 

If they like it or not

And may offer a silence


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