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political poem (Remove filter)

Nothing Has Changed

Nothing Has Changed.


I would like to say I am one of the nation’s farmers.

Or a pinstripe suited businessman or city trader.

I would like to say I run a company or corporation.

That I will inherit a fortune from a friend or relation.


I would like to say i am in business and looking to expand.

That I create wealth and put it in the working man's hand.

I would like to ...

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political poemuk governmenthypocrisydeceitpoverty

The Deceiver

after the end

before the beginning....

underneath the lies

over the pain....

with the belief

against the fact....

behind the mask

opening the veils....

in-between time

and eternity....

our sun drops the shadows of the words;

penned down by prophets and poets!

saints and leaders!


and singing with the chorus....

flowing with the chords;

when we decei...

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political poemreal lifeshort poem




There’s a war going on and on and on and on

There’s a war going on and on and on and on

Mr President Mr Chairman

the world is not your apocalypse


you are no saviours



is not

a bargaining chip



are not

golf clubs or basketballs


murder by missi...

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Spoken word + musicSatirepoetpolitical poemApocalypse


There is more then what you see
More than what you are told to believe
You can't have what you already own

Take back your peace it is more than anything
Take back your love there is beauty in every one
Take back your purity the way you live will make you free

Revolutionary soul
Much more than owning all the gold
Revolutionary soul
Much more than fame or what you think you know

A ma...

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political poemsoulrevolution

He'll Make America Great Again

Don't give that man your tears today
Though it's dark now you'll find a way
Now is the time to laugh, sing and create
Throw the bile back at his tangerine face
I call on the punks, the poets, the artists, the revolutionaries and the visionaries, don't let the spark be snuffed out in vain
Come together and show him how you'll make yourself great again 

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punk poetrypunk poemTrumpdonald trumpamerican politicspolitical poempolitical poetry

For Peace & For Pride

On two summer days
in 1945
were casualties of Hell itself embodied on Earth
the pride of a foreign power
raised cities to ashes
scorched shadows into the soil
for peace

Between October 1962
and November 1983
the World faced exinction
day to day
minute to minute
all for the sake of
the pride of two foreign powers 

On July 18th 2016
an unelected...

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CNDpunk poetrypunkpoliticalpolitical poempolitical poetrypunk poemNuclearnuclear disarmamentpeace

Swayed On The Knife Edge

I held my breath taut
as she swayed on the knife edge
arms calming dipping, rising
dignified reslilience 
I blew her my love and fell to sleep

as father turned on son

as daughter turned on mother

as neighbour turned on neighbour

as she fell

Rule Britannia?  

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hope not hatepolitical poempoliticial poetrypunkpunk poetryreferendum

An Ordinary Fascism

Is it a glory to Ukraine

When people are burnt so fain?

God is above all of us

And thus the guilty will get the cuss.

When people were shot for independence

It was the evils great acceptance.

When in Odessa people were burnt

We cried and much have learnt.

In networks Euromaidan is proud,

They burned people alive, they shout:

Glory to Ukraine!

But they forget the m...

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political poem

What is the price you have to pay?


What is the price you have to pay, because for a crust of bread you consent to be humiliated?

What is the price you have to pay, by making believe that you are blind and accept to be fenced-in?


What is the price you have to pay, when fear and hunger makes you accede to be manipulated?

What is the price you have to pay, when you assent to relinquish yourself?

What is ...

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political poem

pride and joy


I guess I should have worried

When you used to chop up worms

But I was your loving mother

So I wasn’t too concerned.

Maybe it was a bad sign

When you set fire to your bed

But I was just so doting

“Oh dear” was all I said.

And on the occasion

You hacked off your sister’s plaits

I must have been on your side so

We’ll draw a veil o'er that.


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