The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Poetry Prompt: 'Forever is composed of nows'


Just the right amount of squeeze 

at my hip

of a lemon 

on the pasta we craft for each other

of the sponge he knows I don’t like to touch when wet.

A tongue, a croissant, a bottom smack, 

exactly when we wanted one

A well-timed tease, balletically treading that tightrope line 

from this now, to the next, to the next to the next please


Moments studded above our ...

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cohabitationconstellationcovid-19Dorsetemily dickinsonholidaysliving togetherlockdownlovelove poetryquarantineromanticstars

Life with CORONA


Be prepared for the worst 

Many things go wrong and won’t fulfill your thrust 

Be productive and be proactive  

You won’t get this quarantine again so use it to its crust. 


Try to find your low-key passion

And work on it with your whole dedication 

Negativity Surrounds along with depression 

Be positive and try to improve your respiration. 


Everything would b...

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locked upquarantinelife moves onbetter place


retreat, retreat

settle back down into your cave


retreat, retreat

settle back down into that space you crave


retreat, retreat

no more reaching out for company along the shore


retreat, retreat

no more reaching out for what’s beyond the door


retreat, retreat

the ghost killer haunts each of us


retreat, retreat

stay inside we must



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Meeting in Solitude

Minds meeting
words spoken
stories shared
world is hushed
but inside we are all screaming
waiting for the tomorrows
when our meetings will be filled with embraces,
with kisses,
with reading a silent stare
and we will know what they mean
not just from a frozen screen
but for a reflection of all time

We are all waiting for the tomorrows
we will no longer meet in solitude
but a meetin...

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How do we do this...?

How do we do this

One day 

After another

Of same 






When what should we have for dinner becomes

The highlight of the day

And a three mile walk becomes

The only reason to get dressed 

At all


How do we do this 

How long do we do this

It’s like labor 

The worst part 

Is not knowing how long 

it will l...

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Untouched but not Unfelt

Untouched but not Unfelt

Spent years like a husk
now life is kindling again,
purifying from pain
and pleasantly plentiful 
at present. 

The cage of the State 

is nothing, 

for I traversed the labyrinth of my own mind
and survived.

So I shall recognise shackles
as a concept,
but be mindful of surrendering control. 

Isolate from crowds but not from feelings,
not from unde...

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SocietyUKUnityWorldwideCommunityLovequarantinepersonal journeygrowthmental health

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