The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

mystic (Remove filter)

I Thank My Fortune

I thank earth.
I thank my fortune in being born where and when, 
And to whom and with whom I was born.

I thank water.
I thank my fortune in having health and sense, 
And sense of health, and sense of sense.

I thank wind.
I thank my fortune in my paths and choices, 
For they have led me to this path and choice.

I thank fire.
I thank my fortune in my abilities and disabilities 
As t...

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acceptanceall that I amdisabilityelementsfortunehealthmeditationmysticpath of lifethankfullness

Nature Freely Gives

Jack In The Green awakens from his slumber

Spring is upon us, nature in all her wonder

Gaze in awe of rebirth, renewal, fertility

Stood deep in the forest, deep within tranquillity


Robin Goodfellow his mischief to perform

Souring milk, trampling crop circles from fields of corn

Tripping those who into the green wood unwary tread

Laughing, yet another traveller away from p...

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The Ancient Tree

A thousand years or more it’s lived so they say, at least

Centuries before it became guardian for the deceased

These ancient builders of the church all knew

The magical and deadly power of the yew


Locked deep inside the secret of immortality

Pure poison within the yew, result fatality

Sitting in quiet contemplation, “tell me fine tree

A thousand years lived, what did you ...

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I'm posting this following a conversation I had with the botanist John Parker (Director, Cambridge University Botanic Garden, 1996-2010) after a public reading from the book Deciphering Ancient Minds: The Mystery of San Bushman Rock Art by David Lewis-Williams and Sam Challis (Thames & Hudson, 2012). The South African San "bushmen" and their culture are a particular interest of John's, and we brie...

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Well hello my poetic brethren.

 The time has come for yet more spewings from the mind to be shared amongst you. This time I have been partially inspired by a book I'm reading at the moment and partially by a dream I had. I'm pretty sure the two were linked anyway. So let me whisk you friends into the mystical world of Sands.




Vision blurred as focus regains

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Earth Lament

( A french poem with english translation )


J'irai allonger ma tête dans la cavité de la pierre,

Pour ne plus entendre  les lamentations de la Terre.

L'arbre, sur l'horizon, se déracine,

Et laisse son feuillage  s'envoler dans les vents.

Les oiseaux ont laissé leur pavillon d'été.

Je mettrai sur mes épaules le manteau de ta prése...

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(A work in progress & in constant evolution...)


What would say William Blake if he saw this world post-revolution?

What would he say if he had been witness of the greatest cataclysm of

human heart?

What would he think about universalization when his gaze turned to

New America?

Can its spirit be dumb?


He  wrote an answer in the form of a lullaby.


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