The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

darkness to light (Remove filter)

End S.R.A

This is my message to the elite the leaders
The fools the liars the false info feeders
The satanic breeder's
The tricksters
The 666sters

Evil practicing contradictors' 
Jim "ll fixers
Taking away a newborn soul
Then washing it down ..with the blood from your bowl
Masking in costumes dressed as a soldier
Earth plane is hell ..Its about to freeze over

The light workers are here ..And ...

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S.R.AFighting evil togethercultsdarkness to light


Many days I was in darkness
Many days I cried for help
Seeing no beauty in this world
I forgot what it felt like to smile and not feel pain
A simple act of kindness
Will you come here and slide with me?
A simple question
A simple task
Sliding down the slide made me smile
And feel the love of God

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darkness to lightsmilelovekidssimplekindnessgod

Two Lives

One life is swell, 

the other is a living hell. 

Trying to bridge the great divide, 

but the chasm is too wide. 

Chasing light where darkness resides. 

A grey goose gouges my eyes, 

pecks my mind. 

Naked. Nowhere to hide. 

Cowering to the joker inside. 

Praying God sends his army

to help me make the climb,

out of the abyss to my sober life.

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addictionalcoholicdarkness to lightfaithsober

Dark to light

I come from a dark place


The land of no return some may call it 

Making my way back up to the surface 

After living in my head for 

I pay homage to the fall and winter 

Because it brings me closer to myself 

Yet I am starting to notice how much I have been ignoring the light 

How does the spring and summer affect me?

Besides being hot and feeling like I want t...

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Naturemental healthspiritualitylovedarkness to lighthealing

I come from a dark place


The land of no return some may call it 

Making my way back up to the surface 

After living in my head for 

I pay homage to the fall and winter 

Because it brings me closer to myself 

Yet I am starting to notice how much I have been ignoring the light 

How does the spring and summer affect me?

Besides being hot and feeling like I want t...

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naturemental healthlovespiritualityhealingdarkness to light

Good for You

Good for you,
    found your flow.
Good for you,
    got that healthy glow.
Good for you,
    navigating storms like a willow.
Good for you,
    used your pain as fuel to grow.
Good for you,
    no more living on tiptoe.
Good for you,
    no longer afraid of the scarecrow.
Good for you,
    escaped the tornado.
Good for you,
    found your rainbow.
Good for you,
    taking time to...

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average joedarkness to lightenlightenedfaithindigo childinspiring poemlightloverelationshipsstormsstrengthsuccessvangogh

HEIGHT (wrote at Hay Festival, Wales 10/06/2012)


HEIGHT (wrote at Hay Festival, Wales 10/06/2012)

I ask why do I love you Ruth?

We've never met nor made love while gazing into each other's eyes.

Mirror to your soul.


What would it feel like to hold you close and have your hair obscure my vision,

as I breath in the scent of you?

Triggering something so deep inside me that I forgot it ever existed.



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unconditional lovenick and ruthwaitno one elsepath of lifedarkness to light

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