The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

selfishness (Remove filter)

The Omnipresent Threat Of Death

Society is lost,

Consciousness is gone,

They have rejected their spirits,

It didn't take very long,

Electronically connected,

Yet physically farther than ever,

People don't want to face themselves,

It's a thought they dread to endeavor,

The clock is ticking,

Just take a deep breath,

Your losing your mortality,

The omnipresent threat of death,

Materialistic clyde...

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Rain Doesn't Matter Now

We were full of ourselves in those days

Life was a treasurehouse of pleasure

We had our fill of the world's offerings

And took its ripened fruit at our leisure


Rain doesn't matter now you're gone

Nothing seems important anymore

We madly moaned about the weather

The God-given gale onto the shore


But our love took it all for granted

Selfishness was the order of t...

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Redemption in the Water

drown in egoism.

how we forget – don’t.

for flicker- shift  

this shell ashore,

revive the rolling

carcass and dissect,

drag that black heart

with the colour waves,

bleaching comatose

vanity that presses

with weight of our bodies-


we sunk like sinking

stripping skin for river,

it rowed,

it rowed,

wrapped with those oars

wallow, watch, wallow,


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You call me selfish for trying to take what is mine, and mine only, and do with it as I wish


Your claim and the belief behind it, is even more so


And, though you may not realize, all you are doing is prioritizing your pain over mine


You pacify your fear of heartache with my suffering


So tell me true, if you were in my shoes - if you overlooked your own feelings to e...

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selfishmankind's selfishnessselfishnessEmpathysympathymineIfIWishIt


An uprooted tree lies ebbing in the street.
The one who pledged everyone with a refuge
is herself in exigent need.

People come, see the fallen one.

Not a soul seems to be concerned.
Zero, zilch, nada, none.

They don't remember
those cloistered, sizzling infernos of June
those solitary, shivering nights of witchy new moons

and those

sodden, sultry volleys of pouring monsoons


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The Oxygen thief

Look its 


Please look



I’m here so 

You can see


I’m loud 

And here


See me

And hear me

And see me

Its why

I’m me

Why I’m 


See me

Be there and look

At me

Hear me with

All your 


And soul

Give me it


All your belief

All your relief

Its me


The oxygen


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Friday Night, We Walked Along The Beach

Friday night we walked along the beach
talking over a static sea
through all we wearily witnessed this year
still we speak in riddles
the way men often can
it only gets harder as you get older
weighted with expectation
You didn't turn to face me
kept your eyes fixed on the horizon
said 'she's pregnant' 
with a pregnant smile

Black boots kicking stones across wet sand
choking out cong...

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Never plan anything

that’s my motto

And if you can leave something till tomorrow

then leave it

Don’t think about loved ones

-Love no one

And consider yourself first and foremost

above everyone and everything

Don’t get involved

and don’t feel bad about leaving something


Any money you make -spend on yourself

and don’t start thinking about...

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