pain (Remove filter)
seeping sadness
i would give you the world but it doesn't belong to me
i would give you the universe but its free for everybody
id give you all of me but even im afraid of me
i can't guve you what i have never had
because you took what was never yours so i hope you are glad
you left me empty like a black hole
crushed every part of me and swalloed my soul
you will never cut that noose
Friday 18th December 2020 11:33 am
The homeless man
Evicted from his house
In a dark and cold night
He walked down the deserted alley
A bright light slowly showed the way
The path of hope that was crossed by shadows
Is this really the right path?
The wind whispered
The dead leaves were creaking
An owl hooted
What was the hidden message?
His stomach was growling
His body wa...
Saturday 28th November 2020 2:04 pm
The Torture that is Dystonia
Trapped here, in this agony
every moment, is killing me
my spine contorts inside
hurling daggers into my side.
No escape from this cruel hell
my mind locked, within this shell
No longer can I hide
All of my body screams inside.
Excruciating pain flows through me
making it hard, for me to breathe.
The spasms contort my upper limbs
as my brains venemous tune, continues to sing
Saturday 17th October 2020 3:22 pm
To Have Loved
Shimmering lights dance in her eyes
Shimmering lights cannot dispel
Like the fire inside my soul
A cold darkness that grasps at my soul
A velvet touch cannot disguise
Persistent beeps, and sanitised smells
Two hearts that yearn to be whole
Infesting a heart that I stole
Beneath the fabric of power and love
Unfaltering floors with a sinister gleam
Sensations fulfi...
Monday 12th October 2020 11:08 pm
Rain Doesn't Matter Now
We were full of ourselves in those days
Life was a treasurehouse of pleasure
We had our fill of the world's offerings
And took its ripened fruit at our leisure
Rain doesn't matter now you're gone
Nothing seems important anymore
We madly moaned about the weather
The God-given gale onto the shore
But our love took it all for granted
Selfishness was the order of t...
Tuesday 15th September 2020 10:46 am
How are you?
A question worth a thousand answers
A thousand possibilities summed into one
Somewhere in between the good and the bad
Between the lines
Of the lies
Fine -
Just fine.
By Faith Olajuyigbe, author of Words of Faith
For poetry and more visit:
Monday 7th September 2020 2:55 pm
Aching All Over
Aching All Over
My back aches and my head aches
And my eyes ache in bright light
My arms ache and my hands ache
When I go to bed at night
But when anybody asks me
I just say that ‘I’m alright’
Aching All Over
My ears ache when I listen
To those heavy metal hits
My stomach aches after a curry
My arse aches after the shits
My toes and fingers ache
As ...
Sunday 6th September 2020 5:25 pm
The Phoenix
I’ve weathered storms that I thought would drown me
I’ve learnt to soar in winds I thought would consume me
They say
Out of the ashes must rise a new Phoenix
The flame…
Being refined by fire
Through it, I’ll rise higher
The flames provide the fuel
As I soar to my strength
Refined by fire
Gold purified
A faith that stands.
Tuesday 25th August 2020 9:47 am
Desolation of Z
Dark and bleak and empty and bare
This life is hard.. I hate it here.
Voided, eroded, saddened... barren of joy
Helpless, hopeless, soulless... a plain white wall
Mopey, lonely, gloomy...why even try
Hungerless, Sleepless, motionless...I might just die
Drowning, not breathing, cant gasp for air
Quiet pain, drenched in rain, not one care
Deserted, isolated, distressed and bored
want to, ...
Saturday 22nd August 2020 1:17 am
Hunger hides in the schools
Hunger hides in the uneducated
Hunger hides in a child's mind
Why should this be a political fight
We are not asking for a feast, just a little something to eat.
Sadness hides in the home
Sadness hides in the room
Sadness hides in the man on the streets
Don't want to run in your circle anymore.
Want to take that straight line le...
Wednesday 19th August 2020 11:46 am
Empty Hands
Pain exists inside the heart
That mourns the missing day
Emptiness, holding all that’s lost,
Fingers white, grasping air, slipping away
Darkness surrounds all we see,
Shadows stolen from what could have been
Extinguish a flame, smoke filling our souls
As expectance is hidden and unseen
Embers remain in the sorrowful ash
As the wind lifts up the light of our e...
Wednesday 12th August 2020 9:09 am
Black Ringlets
It seems yesterday the house was full
Nothing seemed beyond our reach
We dashed about with endless brio
Spent days on end at the beach
I recall how you laughed and cried
The endless smiles adorning your face
Years have brought changes to our joy
Now life seems such a different place
I loved your black ringlets
That brightened every day
Your hair grew old as ...
Tuesday 11th August 2020 10:53 am
Living in a wasteland
Decades have passed.
The world has changed,
along with its people.
It no longer brings joy to my heart,
as it did in my time.
All because of them.
What happened to the days,
when the only thing one could do during a lovely day
was to step out the front door and pamper one's self
with the five senses that Mother Nature had provided?
But n...
Sunday 9th August 2020 12:57 pm
You're not alone
Crumbling all around you
Your world falling apart
Life seems to be dealing cruel blows
And your wondering where to start
From the moment you start hiding
Things go from bad to worse
The damage is occurring
And your causing yourself hurt
On the outside you are smiling
But on the inside there is pain
To the world your seeing sunshine
But all you see is rain
Behind the dark clouds lurks y...
Sunday 26th July 2020 10:34 am
Heart beating fast asking, begging, praying, for it to slow down
It can't take the pain of being in love
A love that is impossible, a love that is gone
So she takes a hit, and then everything moves so slow
Her heart calms down and she forgets the pain
The clouds fill her lungs and she takes a final breathe
Her heart calms down and the pain is no more
Saturday 25th July 2020 8:30 pm
It has been too many days since I heard from you girl
Too many days since the scent of you filled the room
Photos of you and me on the shelf they just show the passing of time
Still dreaming of you and what life would be like
You're always on my mind
It has been 21 days since I saw you girl
21 days since we made regrets
21 days and I still have not forgotten you yet
In this lonely ro...
Friday 24th July 2020 7:24 am
Love is not enough
When nothing you do is right
And everything you say is wrong
Life seems to be getting tough
And you just don't get along
When you argue almost every night
And you feel that you’re already hung
The edges seem too rough
Because love is not enough
A smile starts a false hope day
For a while everything’s okay
But it only lasts for a while
Because the cracks break through that smile
You h...
Thursday 23rd July 2020 11:11 pm
She was trying
Trying to be calm
Trying to mute the
Monologue inside her mind.
Full of contradictions to herself,
Full of arguments
Full of endless thoughts
She felt like being pulled
In a spiral
Down and down and down
With each breath she took
Swallowing her own soul
As if she split up
Into two halves
Halves against each other
She was he...
Thursday 23rd July 2020 5:13 pm
Lil Ray of Sunshine
Yeah it's been longer than a minute,
so i gotta let this go,
everything that i've kept in,
these words ready to flow.
As much as i speak,
little did you ever know,
that this lil ray of sunshine turned into a pitchblack soul.
I remember a few years ago I preached a lot,
I had some words of wisdom so I shared my thoughts.
I preached about loyalty , respect and gangsta...
Monday 13th July 2020 6:33 am
Our Pain
Our pains - there are many kinds;
Some of body. Some of mind;
And so when we feel distressed
In many ways it is expressed.
With body pains we scream or shout;
And let people know what it's all about;
So they understand just how we feel,
As tis often short and soon will heal.
But our mind's problems are complex,
As they may have some strange effects.
And with such troubles we may r...
Saturday 11th July 2020 3:09 pm
A battle with self.
In a dusky morning, the sun was setting,
Wanted to scream in a silent mic.
No more of this frustration, no more of this hatred,
Death was the only freedom came to his mind.
Listening to the people, listening to himself he realised,
Many a things don't matter, So does his life.
Losing his hobby, his like, his ego, his pride.
Losing his humanity, was what it was like.
'Try to stay po...
Wednesday 8th July 2020 3:10 pm
Arrows of Rain
On the empty wall of my room
I think I'll put a picture of the rain. --
Hitting the ground,
And getting up to ankles,
The rain will be wetting my socks
And trousers from below;
Then my eyes will follow
...tick, tick, tick...
Everything in the picture,
Until catching a black brolly,
And the shiny enamel shoes...
Saturday 27th June 2020 7:47 am
wanted to cry,
but smiled,
wanted to talk,
but stayed silent.
wanted to feel happy,
but endured all the pain.
wanted to live,
but died.
Tuesday 23rd June 2020 10:10 am
when out
she was known for her
infectious smile,
non stop chattering
and childish charisma.
but inside the walls of her room
she was the one,
with puffy red eyes,
bloody wrists,
broken heart,
and lost soul.
Tuesday 23rd June 2020 9:42 am
You wanted to live
Pressure was too much
Pain was unbearable
You tried tried
But you failed to heal
You were worth all of it
But they made you feel de trop
You just wanted to be happy
But all they gave you was sadness
You wanted someone to comfort you
But all they gave you was negligence
You wanted to live
But soon they made you dead
Tuesday 16th June 2020 6:32 pm
Please don't abuse yourself
i know it's suffocating you
I know the pain is unbearable
and you want everything to just end
Please put that knife away
it's for chopping vegetables
not for ripping apart your wrists
Please throw that rope away
its for hanging clothes
not your precious soul
I know it's hurting you
i know it's bad
But pleas...
Monday 15th June 2020 12:50 am
I’m grateful
I’m grateful for
I’m grateful I chose to live.
Sunday 14th June 2020 3:08 pm
You compare yourself with me,
You tell the world I am wrong.
When you were the one who cheated since day 1,
And I was the who stayed loyal even when I had reasons not to be one.
I loved you unintentionally ,
You betrayed me all intentionally.
I healed you,
You broke me.
I heard you out,
You neglected me.
I stood by your side,
You left m...
Sunday 14th June 2020 7:40 am
i loved the feeling of blood flowing down my wrists,
the sensation of pain used to make me feel alive.
i was not afraid to lose my life,
because i was already long lost.
thoughts of killing my ownself dint scare me,
beacuse death was my only desire.
people used to say i am going crazy,
but they never felt my pain.
i tried, i tried so many times,
to li...
Sunday 14th June 2020 12:22 am
Was it so hard to love her?
She was broken,
her soul was falling apart.
You were the cause,
yet she kept on loving you.
She took all the pain, all the suffering,
in hope that you'll change one day.
Months passed by,
and her soul became hollow.
She was getting suffocated,
but all she craved was your love.
You betrayed her not once not twice but so many times,
but she t...
Saturday 13th June 2020 8:14 pm
In the ruins
Of my temple
My fireplace
Once in control
My warmest kiss
In the arms of
My arsonist
To face new growth
Beyond pardon
The path across
Burning demons
Saturday 13th June 2020 1:22 pm
Now when i look back to my life after all these years of pain and sorrow,
only to realise that how far i have come.
Looking back to my older dark soul,
i am proud of my growth.
I am just 20 and i know there's a long long road ahead,
and i am ready for it.
This one last look to my past,
with teary eyes and a bright smile.
Now i am leaving behind my past, ...
Friday 12th June 2020 9:58 pm
I was reading a story
When i felt a sudden spark of pain in my heart
I was feeling like someone was piercing needles deep inside my soul
It was unbearable and tears were rolling down
I closed my eyes, it was all dark
And then i saw you
I tried opening my eyes but I couldn’t
Because deep inside I still wanted to see you for maybe one last time even when nothing was real
Friday 12th June 2020 9:14 pm
Everything is right yet it’s not!
Sometimes even when everything is right
Nothing feels right
Everything is complete
But deep down all you feel is emptiness
Your life is going smooth
But all you feel is sadness
You’re happy
But all you do is cry
You don’t know the reason
But all you feel is pain enduring you
You don’t want to give up
But all you do is losing hope
Friday 12th June 2020 9:07 pm
Grasping at straws
I’m wondering what happened this time
You were here one day and gone the next
You took root in my mind again and I let you
Then you leave me hanging
I can’t even question why you are doing this
I keep telling myself you owe me no explanation
But then you left this breathless space in my chest
And I don’t know what to do with it
Feels like goodbye is in order
But I’m not ...
Monday 8th June 2020 1:59 am
Pain, Pain go away
Go and never come back soon
It’s becoming more difficult to hide you these days
Please kindly go away.
Tears and sniffles go away
Ruining my face with your runny self
I still have to put up a brave face for the tide ahead
Please do me the favour of staying away
This thing called happiness
Has eluded me for a while now
I just feel so tired...
Monday 8th June 2020 1:07 am
You lie awake in bed with your eyes swollen from the tears and the pain
Wondering why you deserve to hurt
You play back scenes in your head thinking , " Was it all fake!"
The smiles, the love, the times we laid together in bed, talking about children, and houses by the lake
You close your eyes and tears fall down your face and you cry to God , " Please, please make it all go away!"
Monday 25th May 2020 5:46 pm
Twisted Semantics In A World Upside-down
A summer's Christmas,
A winter's Easter,
Sun blazed reflections,
Moon chilled features,
Decaying bright shadows,
Renewing dark radiance,
Exogenous void within',
Luminescently extraneous,
Lagging just to rush,
The constantly inconsistent,
Concealing joyous sorrows,
Being contiguously distant,
Thoughts resistantly flowing,
Nerves electrically static,
Wednesday 20th May 2020 11:20 pm
Life Is A Slow Death (God Please Help Me)
I can't take it,
I'm only asking,
Please Lord help me,
I'm tired of relapsing,
Over and over,
My veins are collapsing,
I know you hear me,
I'm sorry for babbling,
I don't understand,
Why this keeps happening,
I'm covering the pain,
It's so everlasting,
The hurt burns deep,
It never stops dragging,
Life is a slow death,
It's truly a sad thing,
My hand...
Sunday 10th May 2020 3:20 pm
The Oak Tree
The oak tree
Unwavering and sturdy
Tells us how to be:
Don’t break so easily
In the slightest change of wind
Climbing back through my childhood bedroom window
Landing on shards of broken glass
Crimson oozes slowly
As I pray each stab is its last
So much has shaken me since my first landing
Each step taken cuts deeper than the beginning
Looking back
Tuesday 5th May 2020 10:02 pm
You’re standing still at the top of a hill, the breeze gradually increasing, staring intently at he picturesque view of the voracious desert terrain that could ultimately devour you with a single touch. the breeze has been blowing, constantly blowing for many months, you forget what it was like to have still, calm air around you. But the breeze is picking up, you start shaking, not because of the ...
Thursday 30th April 2020 1:13 pm
I enjoy bringing tough guys and gals to their knees.
I can make everyone in my path cry like babies.
You think you can stop me with drugs or alcohol?
That’s a fool’s game.
It will drive you insane.
Your candy doesn’t keep me away
anymore than a cross stops suffering.
The only escape is to free me
from the one place you fear to go.
I reside deep within your mind.
Tuesday 7th April 2020 4:11 am
A songbird’s sweet melody
ushers angels to
light up your lonely lair,
shoo fears away,
make peace with your pain,
set your spirit free...
to love,
Sunday 9th February 2020 2:04 am
I know I traded something
A part of me
For the splendid splendour of money
I did that thing you shouldn’t do
I gave myself to him
You know, the soul
Cut a piece of myself out for him
You know, the heart
I cut a piece of myself off for him
(You know which part)
But I didn't feel a thing
I'm waiting to miss it
Miss this
I'm waiting for the pain
Monday 3rd February 2020 1:43 pm
Too deep
I really wish I went to college
I can’t believe I trusted that bitch
But was it love or just a lack of knowledge
Shit hurt my heart seeing my big brother
Cuff a bitch that had mileage
He went to jail, she told him I tried to fuck ha
Ian even have no money
So ion even know why the butch was lying
Niggas buy anything a bitch tell em when they in jail
But damn big Jevo Ian even have ...
Tuesday 28th January 2020 3:37 pm
the pain gets too overwhelming
i find myself sitting alone dwelling
on the past life that led me to drugs
i sit wondering where i went wrong, lost all my friends; im an outcast, i dont belong
and i dont understand why god kept me living
what does all he suffering bring but an eternal hell thatg suffocates me
losing all efforts, it feels like i cant breathe
and the battle goes...
Wednesday 15th January 2020 11:33 am
Pain hurts
It makes me feel sad
It hasn’t been nice to me for a long time, it hurts my throat. When I want to cry but hold back the tears, the grief, I feel an intense pain in my throat.
Not many people know my pain because I keep it locked up inside, I am my own worse enemy for doing this, as I know good people would give me advice. But they cannot understand my pain .They can sympathise...
Monday 13th January 2020 11:19 pm
29D: Window, not Aisle
it’s 6:21 and when I look out my window from the corner of 29D,
there’s a subtle hue of blood orange outlining what looks like the perimeter of
a space
of sky
and a breeze of clouds, lighter than feathers, so thin, as if it forgot to carry the mist it was designed to pour tonight
but that’s okay, because it found itself a new purpose:
your shrewd orange spirit is now perf...
Sunday 5th January 2020 6:22 am
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