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Transcendent Love
Dear Lord, please find me
somebody to love.
God replied, no,
not just one love.
I give you an ocean
of eternal love
found only in faith,
poetry and music.
From this special place,
you will find love
like you have never known,
from kindred spirits
around the world,
space and time,
to give you a glimpse
of the divine.
Wednesday 30th December 2020 3:52 am
The melodic grass
This music,
it makes me want to fall from the water
float in the sky,
stare at those lips
and kiss those green eyes,
drink from the clouds
and jump on the pond
to feel the stars
and gaze at the stones,
the rythms , the notes
melt my mind
ignite my visible voice
I'm not here nor there
maybe inside a void
floating on the blues
maybe its a d...
Monday 14th December 2020 8:23 pm
Kiss Me
Kiss me
in the strawberry fields
of your mind.
Kiss me
in rhythm
and rhyme.
Kiss me
until darkness
becomes sunshine.
Kiss me
from pain
to pleasure divine.
Kiss me
through sands
of time.
Kiss me
beyond death
to life sublime.
Sunday 13th December 2020 5:43 pm
The Grammy goes to...
eager crickets sing in chorus
at the top of their lungs
gusts rustle leaflets
in the string section of dwarf palms
nervous gnat raises his falsetto
as high as he can
dragonfly’s baritone buzz
upstages her wingspan
pileated woodpecker plays his pine
keeping on the beat
tufted titmouse takes her tenor solo
melodic and neat
Friday 4th December 2020 8:57 pm
Full Moon Rising
“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” ~ Leonard Cohen
Halloween frightens my inner child
who is afraid of masked men,
being alone in the dark,
daggers to the heart,
a body aging too soon,
eternal suffering...
but the hollow night
gives way to a full moon rising
and a million stars to wish upon,
ushered by angels beaming light
Sunday 1st November 2020 1:38 am
To Breathe (Is To Burn)
There is so much more to this.
The music does not make song
but the foetal space
amongst famous walls
filled with such au fait grief
and there a beast floats
to see the fear fleeting
on their new found face
in some unfailing destiny,
there she silently screams,
a flame away
God so violently benign
in his passive spirit-
He forges her-
to breath truly ...
Saturday 31st October 2020 1:44 pm
Lost in the Lyrics
I remember getting lost in the lyrics when I was a young girl. I would stop and start my record or cassette a hundred times while I wrote down every word so I could sing along to the song.
Lyrics was my escape when I had no place to go.
I learned lyrics, meter, and rhyme, from the best poetry teachers of my time...
Stevie Wonder, Stevie Nicks, Tina Turner, James Taylor, Bob Seger, Barb...
Thursday 29th October 2020 10:09 pm
1967 - 1 to 20
To Sir with Love
Said the Letter in my tray
It wasn’t for me
It was an Ode to Billie Joe,
I turned and left the building
On a dark and windy night
I wandered, lost and alone,
I saw a church full of people
I knelt at the back
And told God, I am a believer
I threw of the chains of sadness
I felt a spirit inside
Lighting my fire, with love and desire
I said some...
Sunday 25th October 2020 8:41 pm
Flow with me,
past stormy seas of isolation,
fear, dis-ease... to an
island of peace and harmony.
Flow with the Eagles,
past winds of regret, mistakes,
shame... to the mountaintop of
Flow with the lyrical Doctor,
past pain, loneliness, despair...
to healing waterfalls where wishes
come true.
Wednesday 21st October 2020 9:24 pm
There’s a place where I can go and tell my secrets to… (Brian Wilson)
There’s a place where I can go and tell my secrets to… (Brian Wilson)
In a room,
a child not yet a teen,
sits full of good vibrations.
The vinyl stolen from parents
crackles with life,
static and promises of a long summer for all.
Surfboards, so alien to this coast of estuary and mudflats,
yet the glow of California dreams and girls perforates his reality.
Do i...
Sunday 18th October 2020 8:48 pm
Instead of inhaling
doom and gloom,
let’s take a walk
in the woods,
play hide and seek
among willow trees,
Feel the sun rejuvenate our soul,
Become one with dirt and rain,
bathe in the healing fluid from mother nature’s veins,
just what the doctor ordered.
Monday 12th October 2020 1:27 am
Books, Music & Poetry
I love being surrounded
by books, music and poetry.
Each one comforts me,
provides a healthy escape
from too much reality,
an alternate destiny,
full of adventure, passion,
rhythm and rhyme.
I will choose books,
music and poetry
over life’s drama
every time!
Saturday 26th September 2020 10:37 pm
Mambo Moment
We interrupt our program
to bring this important
Amid the chaos and confusion,
be on the lookout for a
a mambo moment,
where you suddenly break
into song and dance,
forget your cares,
live in the moment,
feel the rhythm of life.
A mambo moment often appears
out of nowhere, at the most
unexpected time.
Those around may think
you lost your mind,
but the...
Tuesday 22nd September 2020 5:14 pm
Beautiful Dreams
I wish for a soulful voice,
a proud father,
reconciled love.
In absence of these things,
I do not despair,
because I have the music,
that makes my unfulfilled wishes,
beautiful dreams.
Sunday 23rd August 2020 2:35 am
Smiles, flowers, rainbows.
Dried tears.
Your ghost is here,
alleviating fears.
A good day,
crushing brimstone,
in this wild,
parallel life.
Sunday 23rd August 2020 12:40 am
Two in the Morning
Profound sadness
clouds my view
at a quarter til two.
I don’t understand why
my muse avoids me like the flu,
when a simple poem or song will do.
Wise words to help me understand
why true love passed me by
in this lifetime.
Why wrong choices,
that felt right at the time,
left me alone in this abyss
where my better self
silently bears witness
to my shr...
Friday 14th August 2020 5:56 am
Your words are a
breath of fresh air.
It warms my heart
to see you at the
pantheon of passion,
creating a lyrical legacy,
writing love letters
across the sky,
of a beautiful dream.
Tuesday 4th August 2020 9:50 pm
Blues Cafe
Let’s slip away
to the Blues Cafe,
that secret place,
in the smoky dive,
of your mind,
where steel strings
scratch your spine
like manicured fingernails,
after midnight.
Tuesday 28th July 2020 1:07 am
The One
People haven’t always
been there for me,
but the muse always has.
Lighting my path,
healing heartbreak,
the one making life fun.
Makes sure suffering is not in vain,
dances with me in the rain,
stays beside me come what may.
I return the favor by making
my muse’s words known.
Spreading love as we go.
Sunday 26th July 2020 10:29 pm
Ever Green
Your soul song is addictive,
makes love evergreen.
Peace flows through my veins,
amidst a world gone mad.
Play on, in the misty starlight
of my mind.
Sunday 26th July 2020 6:23 pm
Music is a tribute to sound
From the wien of an electric guitar
Piercing through to your inner ear
To the soft sound of a violin
Played with emotion
It can Pearce your heart.
The voice is a tribute to music
The soprano, the base
The tenor, the alto
And falsetto
With the right word
The story of music can be told.
Music can touch the soul
With someone special
Or all alone
Friday 24th July 2020 2:23 pm
Soul Songs
Your poetic words
bring comfort
my mind
cannot comprehend.
Floating in the
healing waters
of your soul,
is my favorite pastime.
Two stars colliding,
creating a kaleidoscope
of time.
In the space
of your song,
life is sublime.
Saturday 18th July 2020 2:22 am
One Love
Worries dissolve
with each drum beat,
guitar strum,
heartfelt harmony.
From floating,
on a river of dreams,
to cosmic flight,
weaving a cocoon of peace.
One love.
Hope springs eternal,
in your soul song.
Wednesday 8th July 2020 1:21 am
May peace be with you,
the whole day through.
May aches and pains
sail away with the blues.
May sunrise open your eyes,
experience make you wise.
May your soul find its way home
on the wings of love.
Thursday 25th June 2020 4:34 am
Music Makers
I will miss music most,
when I leave this life.
Yes, I will miss family,
friends, spirit guides.
But words, set to melody,
is champagne for my soul.
Vibrating space
between the lines
diminishes strife,
makes me high on life.
It's a magic carpet ride
to the other side,
where angels annoint wounds,
dreams circle the moon.
Long live music makers,
I love you!
Tuesday 9th June 2020 5:55 pm
Take That Lock Down Gig (In Case You Missed It)
No ticket stress, no queueing at the gate or arena door
A concert like no other we have ever attended before
The front row of my kitchen, sat in my favourite chair
Glass of wine, singing loud, waving my arms in the air
Take that, reunited, straight from their home into mine
The Greatest Day of lock down, together they did Shine
Vintage Mark, up his ladder, in his garage full...
Monday 1st June 2020 9:06 am
Star Crossed Poets
“All I do is kiss you, through the bars of a rhyme.” ~ Mark Knopfler
Sing to me
one more time.
Share the gift
of your romantic
You have the power
to light up the night
with a flick of your pen.
Show us where
madness stops
and love begins.
Wednesday 27th May 2020 3:04 am
Key Worker
The chemistry of lock-down music is key the
Need to look after your
Mood paramount so
Facing an hour or two of ambivalent toil
I tried Macarthur Park
Then Easter Parade and
Now I'm wondering if Richard Harris
Ever met Judy Garland
Or if she was pals with Ginger
Though I suspect not, anyway its
Something to research tomorrow
Between a chorus of tap-dancing e-mails a...
Sunday 24th May 2020 1:08 pm
On the Piano
On the piano, I always love to play
Splendid tunes all through the day.
I like to tinkle on those keys.
It brings me joy and brings me peace.
Such music gives me such delight;
It surely makes my soul take flight.
It is a balm - to my mind healing,
Or simply gives a lovely feeling.
Of all composers that there are -
Beethoven is strongest by far.
All his sonatas, which I admire
Can be...
Sunday 17th May 2020 8:45 am
Our Song
Spinning the same song
that connected us
gets harder to hear.
Each verse cuts deeper
into what never was,
what could have been,
the longing to be near.
With my fingertips crossing your beard,
your fingers grazing my thighs,
those longing sleepless nights
I’ve waited to be alongside
the one that knew the depth
of my emotions,
facing eye to eye.
...Sunday 17th May 2020 8:03 am
I may forget where I put my keys.
I may forget my phone.
I may forget what day it is.
I may forget my way home.
I will never forget sunsets over the ocean.
I will never forget blessings from above.
I will never forget soothing melodies.
I will never forget the love.
Thursday 14th May 2020 1:53 pm
Endless Night
At the end of the day
The rain now steadily falls
I’ve laid here for hours
Waiting for sleep to come
Keeping my mind company,
I’ve put a few records on
Spinning my favorites and laying low,
Leonard, Elliot, Thom, and Isakov,
Each song delivers a blow
Throwing me back to years ago
I’ve laid here in the dark for so long
It’s too much trouble to turn the lights on
My mind is heavy
Wednesday 6th May 2020 10:08 pm
Creativity Costs
You are enough.
Insecurity or
grandiose confidence
isn’t necessary.
Doubt, distraction,
procrastination, fear,
impostor syndrome,
borderline lunacy...
are costs of the
creative process.
Keep creating
through it all.
But, then again,
what do I know.
Tuesday 21st April 2020 11:26 pm
Carrying around two vinyl records
In a plastic case just four inch long
And half an inch wide
How good would that be?
at a hi-tech record player
that lets you copy the sounds you hear
and with the subtle use of ‘PAUSE’
transfer onto a compilation tape.
Moving from format to format
The highlights of a dozen albums
...Friday 17th April 2020 2:28 pm
Glam Rock Man
Glam Rock Man
A stack heeled stomp in platform boots
Trowelled make-up and glitter suits
Feather cut hair and tinted roots
It’s Glam Rock, man,
it’s Glam Rock
Teenage Rampage, Ballroom Blitz,
Radio One plays all The Hits
Driving your dad out of his wits
It’s Glam Rock, man,
it’s Glam Rock
Jackie, Smash, Disco Forty Five
What a great time to be alive
...Wednesday 15th April 2020 12:42 pm
occult curriculum, whispers of the ancients, leave for letting out secrets
oil lamp kindling catching flames; shining begotten light from passerbys
in between classes, shifting penrose stairs lead into underlying framework on occasion
halls lined with rooks adjacent and curators searching for a select
rites of secret passageways proclaimed, karma to the dark is just a means to an end
time and...
Saturday 4th April 2020 11:11 am
Fill me.
Missing life. Empty streets. Cold hearts.
Covering your face what you once criticised on stranger's faces.
Missing love. Empty hearts. Cold air.
Covering the flowers in your heart, the strings of my guitar.
Missing music. Empty stages. Cold rooms.
Covered ears, listening to scary news, not to music anymore.
Missing passion. Empty beds. Cold skin.
Covering all lu...
Friday 3rd April 2020 11:46 am
Luminescent Humanity
Every tragedy leaves behind
a trail of tears and
luminescent humanity.
Rona is here to teach us
life is fleeting.
Live in the moment,
don’t wallow in misery.
Celebrate the little things,
smiles, high fives, sunny days...
Dance, sing, be free,
alone in your room,
on rooftops, balconies,
wherever your spirit leads.
Thursday 2nd April 2020 3:17 am
Tuning In
Can you hear me
on this crowded
Is the earth turning
to quicksand
beneath your feet?
Let poetic music
drown the chaos,
set your spirit free.
No more worries.
Only peace,
love, harmony...
Friday 20th March 2020 7:07 pm
Music in me.
Music floats
Through my veins,
Brings me back to
What I am.
I sing and sing again
To kill the silence outside.
My songs, directly from my heart,
My hard chords,
A resistance
Of all what's forbidden.
My passion resists
In the middle of sounds
And chaos.
©️ By Magical whispers
Friday 13th March 2020 11:10 pm
Artists & Critics
She doesn’t sing to win awards,
she sings to breathe life to her soul,
connect with spirits tuning in,
let them know they are not forgotten.
She knows she will have critics
that judge her art lacking.
Their negativity is nothing she hasn’t
overcome from herself a million times
on her rocky road to freedom.
She smiles as the ivory tickles her left palm,
Saturday 7th March 2020 12:54 pm
A Poet's Prayer
Lord, thank you
for this gift
of expression
through words.
Please help me
bless others
with the poems
I share.
Help me write
from a place
of compassion
rather than ego.
Let your
light shine
through my
life songs.
Help me project
the same
unconditional love
you give me.
Monday 2nd March 2020 2:00 pm
Brick Roads
Ten years old,
gigging frogs,
avoiding horny toads.
Then a teen,
in search of the wizard,
playing pinball, drinking, smoking.
On to adulthood,
pushing back when anyone
crossed the line.
doing time
with this karma of mine.
Traveling brick roads
that lead to
nowhere particular.
But, as long as there is
music and poe...
Monday 2nd March 2020 1:47 am
My Songs
Songs of love and happiness
Erase all my feelings of sadness
Wipe away these tears
And all my fears
Nothing but blue
When I'm living with you
Nothing but blue
When I'm listening to you,
My songs of sadness
When I wake in the morning
You’re the first thing I want to hear
Start my day with you ever so near
Songs close to my heart
May we never part
I listen to you,
My songs of sa...
Wednesday 26th February 2020 3:23 am
Poetry and creative writing by the philosopher and author, alexis karpouzos.
Actress : Martha mourouzi
Tuesday 11th February 2020 9:37 am
The Muse's
The Muse of music
And the Muse of poetry
Please inspire me
Friday 7th February 2020 6:53 pm
Lonely Girl
Some days there is not enough
chocolate or booze
to chase away the blues
or stop torrential thoughts of love
gone too soon.
What's a lonely girl to do.
The only thing that eases the pain
is music from silent words
thought to be penned in vain.
Friday 17th January 2020 3:23 am
Dear John
Dear John,
Thank you for remembering
the forgotten ones,
for seeing beauty within.
You are a hero
to lovers among men,
a poet’s poet,
the razor’s edge...
Long may you live.
Friday 17th January 2020 12:43 am
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