The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.


there's that distance in her

something remote and far

like the canals of Mars, an

ice monolith atop a star


her soul of cosmic mystery

went to places I cannot ken

sheathed in armoured silk

none knew where or when


in those blue eyes is infinity

windows on time and space

blinking before shutters up

in a cryptic chain-mail face


enigmatic were her ridd...

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letter to spring

letter to spring / michael kwack



in a wind

there i smell a scent of spring


i've passed the winter away

in a far place alone


but it was now

only hours of emptiness

i've got to write letters

the last confession to myself


then meet the spring

in complete quietness

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The Wolf and Moon

A lone wolf walks amongst the highest peak.

See's the life of a bright beautiful moon.

The wolf stares in awe and howls, till the lungs feel weak

But notices the moon doesn't move.


He howls louder yet theres no change.

So he tries to climb higher so he can see.

He howls once more.

Mesmerised by a beauty that's so free.


The next night comes, in awe he howls again.


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