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Because I can no longer kiss you

no longer feel your skin

beneath my fingers

or hear you in the night

Because I can no longer call you

no longer sound your name

beneath my breath

or hear you whisper soft

Because I could not stop time passing

could not return time's sand

beneath its glass

or heal the wounds of time

Because I could not hold you here

could yet y...

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Love wins

Their hands touched and the room stood still

Genuinely, completely stood dead still

He held her hands tight across the table

Wanting to shout out but he wasn't able

Wanting to shout she's the one I love

Tearing down values he'd long understood 

Life is for living with no holding back

Only truly experienced with love in full flame

Not playing the margins in some fake game


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Deadly Nightshade

Deadly Nightshade


touching you


kissing your neck


your heartbeat


with mine


the grey clouds

on a Tuesday

in September


their leaden















slows to

a strum



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belladonnadeadly night shadelost lovepoisonliespartingdestructive affair

Gathering Winter Fuel

Gathering Winter Fuel


Return to me and bring your loving flame,

despite your sparks my kindling rarely smokes.

Without you life will never be the same..


Between us lies a frozen lake of blame,

through which only a twig of passion pokes.

Return to me and bring your loving flame.


Unless we mend our ways the fates will claim

the pyre where our prid...

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Are you that easy to forget?


Into the bleak after hour
where dreams blend into
hopes that have gone sour
I am one of many, upon rocks
ocean spume that wet your socks.

Why do you walk the shores
with socked feet?

When bare footed symphonies
lift their song in your chest
above outstretched branches of tress
I am one of many grains of sand,
nameless stars cupped in hand.

Will y...

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Love And Parting


Your wedding dress is not ready yet,

A choir does not sing in our honor,

But time is hurrying us not to forget

The horses that ask for honeymooners.


If only the troika would not lose its way

And the bells  would never stop ringing.

Parting is a high price for the love to pay,

Two friends for eternal love are singing.


We’ve opened the love gate o...

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Passengers must not cross the line

Written coming into Stourbridge Junction 29th May 2012


Passengers must not cross the line

An epitaph for a lingering death of times occasionally sublime,

Travellers lovers and would be friends

Attempting to wander over fertile ground

Once so profound

Passengers must not cross the line.


By car, by train, by plain, by boat, adventurers in love.

In time,...

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