Saturday Rhymers Club (Remove filter)
Over-Eating. Brian Wins the Challenge
Over-Eating. Brian Wins the Challenge
This weeks theme 'over-eating' was set by Brian. What chance did I have?
I'm afraid I've a confession to make
I've done no preparation for this theme
I should have been gorging myself all the week
I've gone let down my Rhymers Team
It's OK for Brian to set theme
He had plenty of left-over pud
And there's phea...
Saturday 5th January 2019 5:37 am
Sisters are a Funny Mix
Sisters are a Funny Mix
This week's theme is sisters. Here is my contribution.
I'm struggling hard with this one
Whatever I write down
Seems so bland, so lifeless
Hardly a poet's crown
So thought at least I'd go put
Some sparkle to my pome
And add a little youtube clip
'Siblings while at home'
Don Matthews December 2018
Saturday 15th December 2018 5:20 am
Keep moving
Preamble: for this week's Saturday Rhymers theme of "moving", just for FUN repeat FUN, here is my first attempt at a... well, you'll see.
Gotta keep on moving ‘cos it hurts to stand still.
Gotta weep in proving that my work’s not landfill,
Gotta seek to be outrageous ‘cos this weakness is contagious,
Gotta be a freak to speak out and break out of all these cages.
Gotta kee...
Saturday 8th December 2018 10:31 am
We're Clever Down Here In Australia
We're Clever Down Here In Australia
This weeks Rhymers Club theme is moving. Here is my contribution. Pic shows current work in progress on Great Australian Chairlift Project
Down here in Australia we're clever
We've thought of a good way to beat
A problem which gets most people fuming
The unavoidable peak traffic heat
It's simple when you go think ab...
Saturday 8th December 2018 6:47 am
My first-born
Preamble: for this week's Rhymers theme "first", here is my first attempt at a villanelle.
My son, it fell to you to be born first
You turned a couple into Mum and Dad
You sometimes had the best, sometimes the worst
You changed our lives when into them you burst,
And for that day I ever shall be glad,
My son, it fell to you to be born first.
Our parenting was w...
Saturday 1st December 2018 9:14 am
12.01 All Done, All Said
12.01 All Done, All Said
This weeks Rhymer's Club theme is 'first'. Here is my contribution inspired by my intrepid fellow rhymer.
Brian's first to post on Sat
Poor wifeys left in bed
At 12.01am on dot
(I gotta go, 'nuf said)
I could be done for something though
Accusing Brian leave wifey
While he sits up till Big Ben strikes
I could get in big str...
Saturday 1st December 2018 6:06 am
Liar, liar, pants on fire!
Preamble: my contribution to this week's Rhymers' theme "fire".
Wouldn’t it be easier to recognise a liar
If caught telling porkies, their pants really caught fire?
As a warped form of justice, it would be rather fun
To see a guilty con man get singed around the bum.
The value of honesty would rapidly be learned
If every untruth told led to buttocks getting burned.
Saturday 24th November 2018 9:42 am
Losing It
Losing It
This week's Rhymer Club theme is fire. Here is my contribution.
I'm losing my spark and my fire
Cos comments are few and quite far
Do you think I am coming 'cross serious ?
Or coming 'cross with some hoo-ha ?
Don Matthews November 2018
Saturday 24th November 2018 7:46 am
Preamble: my contribution to this week's Saturday Rhymers theme - with apologies to anyone called Jack.
Men called Jack must always complain
About their name being taken in vain.
In language, literature, songs and nursery rhymes
The name “Jack” crops up time after time.
Whenever a male figure is expected
Chances are a character called “Jack” will be selected.
What have th...
Saturday 17th November 2018 8:31 am
Mary and Jack
Mary and Jack
This is a little-known story about Little Jack Horner and Contrary Mary. It has not been published in any kiddies book as far as I'm aware. I was fortunate in already having written about Little Jack when this was assigned as our Rhymer Club theme for this week. It was written last year when I was still learning the art of rhyme and only felt comfortable with t...
Saturday 17th November 2018 5:00 am
Leaving Home
For this week's Saturday Rhymers theme: Leaving Home.
When I go back and stay at my Dad’s place,
It’s great, but it’s no longer home.
I struggle to get my own kids off to sleep
In the room that I once called my own.
They watch cartoons, just as I did
Two sofas, three tellys ago.
So much is the same, yet so much has changed,
Though I try hard to not let i...
Saturday 10th November 2018 7:51 am
Leaving Home
This weeks Saturday Rymers Club theme is leaving home. Here is my contribution
Leaving Home
The giant oak grew alongside us
A green majestic dome
When autumn came it did it's thing
And went and leaved our home
Don Matthews November 2018
Saturday 10th November 2018 5:44 am
For a poem about motivation
I find myself lacking real inspiration.
After a period of procrastination
It’s become a source of great frustration.
Is this real artistic creation
Or just intellectual masturbation?
But following quiet contemplation
I had a sudden revelation:
What I am lacking is
The title.
Saturday 3rd November 2018 8:15 am
The Trouble is the Clubbers
The Trouble Is the Clubbers
Our Clubber's theme for this week is
Getting motivated
I'm having lots of trouble here
I'm getting so frustrated
You see my problem's different
From what you might expect
I want to motivate myself
To lazy and neglect
The trouble is the Clubbers
Won't let me motivate
Myself to where I want to be
Lazy and prostrate
Saturday 3rd November 2018 8:08 am
Intertextual protest
I like my music ANGRY. My favourite types of song
Are those that call for change, to try to right some wrongs.
I’ll take lyrics about war or peace or duty socially bound,
Over any heartfelt soulful dirge about love lost or found.
But it seems my favourite protest songs have limited success,
Judging by the fact the world is still in such a mess.
The answers blowing in the win...
Saturday 27th October 2018 8:14 am
We Hear Your Protest Poet
We Hear Your Protest Poet
What's the use of protest
In my poetry
It won't make any difference
I'm not naïve, you see
People have their minds set
On what they want to do
My verse it will not change them
Neither will yours too
They might consider what we
Think before they act
But change their minds we hope to?
We're wasting time. A fact.
Saturday 27th October 2018 5:39 am
The Angel of Death was dancing
in a veil of gossamer grey,
close by her side the Grim Reaper pressed
as night faded into day.
He grinned through his hood like a gentleman should
while her wings caught the light of the moon;
like shattered glass in a ravaged dawn
they sparkled then faded away.
Saturday 20th October 2018 10:03 pm
The music is calling
Preamble: for this Saturday's theme of DANCE.
I hear music. The beat begins.
It taps gently at my consciousness and slowly enters in.
It slides through my skull like the lift of warm caffeine
Raising pulse, slowing thoughts, it’s as if I’m in a dream…
Step by step I’m vanquished, it takes over my brain
It numbs my higher functions, until nothing remains
But the essence of...
Saturday 20th October 2018 7:56 am
Learning to Jive with Gina
Learning to Jive with Gina
This week's theme is dancing so thought I'd take some lessons from Gina, my cloned sis for Tina, whom Brian created. He started this whole thing off. There is no excuse. I lay all the blame fully at his feet.
I wanna get up on the dance floor
I wanna get up, groove and jive
So thought I'd go take me some lessons
In order me not to d...
Saturday 20th October 2018 7:45 am
My Wedding Day
Preamble: I wrote this shortly after my wedding 2 years ago, but never found the chance to perform it. I've revived it for today's Rhymers' theme of "weddings". It is a slam so it looks strange on paper, so I also made this video.
I have so many thanks to give for this special day!
First, the weather: my eternal gratitude to whichever Supreme Being or natural...
Saturday 13th October 2018 7:00 am
My Very Disjointed Theme Contribution
This Saturday's Rhymers Club theme is about weddings. Brian is otherwise engaged so I have agreed to rent him some space.
My Very Disjointed Theme Contribution (by Don Matthews)
This week's theme is weddings
Cos weddings in the air
Which sorta gives me problems
Forgotten I was there
Now do not get me wrong
I'm married, still attached
It's just ...
Saturday 13th October 2018 6:28 am
Class warfare
They say it’s class warfare, they say the rich have won
They don’t understand the hurly burly’s not done
Their smug sense of victory will be somewhat misplaced
It’s hard to be elite when the planet’s laid to waste
They plunder and they pillage and they take more than they need
They’re selling all our futures just to feed their selfish greed
They think they’re sitting pretty,...
Saturday 6th October 2018 12:18 pm
Lower the Pass Mark -Sorted
Lower the Pass Mark - Sorted
Rhymers Club theme this week is on winning and losing. Here is my attempt
Education standards are falling, due I feel, to a gradual lowering of pass marks. Correct me if I'm wrong but school funding depends on the number of successful students passing through. No students, no funding. Lowering pass marks ensures successful student flow retained h...
Saturday 6th October 2018 6:33 am
Naughtiness Unnoticed
Naughtiness Unnoticed
I have been asked to write a poem on children. Here is my contribution.
How can I write a poem
About a naughty boy ?
When I was good, so helpful
My mother's pride and joy
It seems I have inherited
My mother's be-nice genes
Transferred them to my daughters
No naughtiness have I seen
I coasted along quite nonchalantly
Saturday 29th September 2018 6:39 am
Message from a 7-year-old
Preamble: In honour of this week's Rhymers' theme "children", here is a poem written in collaboration with my 7-year-old son.
Some people say they don’t like children
But they are wrong.
We aren’t the ones dropping the bombs.
We aren’t the ones firing the guns.
Children don’t kill other children.
The guy on the ground, he’s just doing as he’s told
The job that he’s paid f...
Saturday 29th September 2018 6:23 am
Dog Lane
I walk up from the bus stop at the end of each weekday,
I know I’ll cause a ruckus, every step along the way.
One hundred yards, four houses, four front gardens, four closed gates,
Behind each one a canine sentinel does lie in wait.
To take this path I have to steel my nerves, or ears at least,
And take care not to get a scare from these four furry beasts.
Am I always to be hound...
Saturday 22nd September 2018 7:44 am
Is That The Problem?
Is That The Problem ?
I have been asked to write a canine piece. Here is my contribution
Are you not happy with my dog?
Is that the problem, is it?
I'm happy to lock you in another room
When you come round and visit
Don Matthews September 2018
Saturday 22nd September 2018 6:52 am
Love that was washed away
Just for fun...
From the moment they first met, they got on rather well,
They soon became an item, and deep in love they fell,
Were made for each other, as far as they could tell,
Pretty soon they were hearing the sound of wedding bells.
They set up home together, and things were going well
Until they took a shower, then broken was the spell
As it turned out he used soap,...
Saturday 15th September 2018 7:16 am
I have been asked to write a piece relating to soap. Here is my contribution:
Consider if you will
Times spent in your life
Ones which you regret
Ones which brought you strife
Now consider times
Ones you may yet get
Ones spent blowing bubbles
You never will regret
Don Matthews September 2018
Saturday 15th September 2018 6:22 am
Recent Comments
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