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Confluence Time

Welcome to Manchester;

To the Tóraidhe Party Confluence;

to the land in which

the pursuit of greater affluence on behalf of

the already obscenely affluent

results in vast quantities of verbal and physical effluent;

which will of course be removed

by United Futilities

who’ll dump it

on our land and in our streams;

a “service” paid for

by those who have next to no...

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ManchesterRivers of bloodshitaffluence

Unbareable Truth

What a pleasurable pain

to be loved by someone who only wants to use you 

someone who only wants your body and not your mind 

accepting the fact that you are wanted, only for vanity and not for soul purpose. 

You are but an object, 

a hole for someone to dump their sadness into. 

Nothing more, nothing less. 

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A note on my phone

Seething with emotion she stood by the cliff

She felt too free to move away

And too much a coward to jump in.

Watch the waves sway


Blown back by eastbound winds

Frothing sea foam covered the wave-tips.

The whistle of air tickled her limbs

Sea spray shot onto her lips


The sun lay halved on the distant horizon

Sinking like a ship at sea

With its passengers glo...

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From Facebook came a Croc of Shit

To read and click and share

No longer I'll put up with it

Accused that I 'don't care'


"Share this if you have a heart"

"If you 'like' please type 'Amen'"

It stinks more than a day old fart

To read this shit again.. again.. again


I don't care if you send a curse

Wrath of God and all his might

One Direction would be worse


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facebookspammersshitshiteSocial media

Fuck You

I have done nothing to this world,
and to those surronding me
to be treated liek this, or to have such pain.
I've did ntohing, but cared, loved, and trusted.
I've did all that I possibly could,
but I guess that didn't matter: now did it?

Becuase people like you
still treat me like crap,
people still take advantage of me
when I have trusted them the most,
and people still don't give two...

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carelovetrustedworldshitfuck youhate

Just Another Load of Shite

Buy our V12 detonator

To propel you into oblivion’s arms

Try our online, interactive, user-friendly blogchat charms

Ingest our vicious, nutritious, delicious, pernicious foodstuff

Smile and feel so satisfied

Almost gratified,

Quite mollified

That you bought into our corporate dream

Our tiny scheme

Our blue sky thinking

All our strategic initiatives


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