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See Her

When she folded into herself

You all looked away

When she unraveled

You all watched

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seepainhurtdepressionhiddenanxietymental healthconnectionsocialhelpsupportsocietyviewervoyeurspectatoraudiencesocial mediaobservationseekingneedcry for help


An uprooted tree lies ebbing in the street.
The one who pledged everyone with a refuge
is herself in exigent need.

People come, see the fallen one.

Not a soul seems to be concerned.
Zero, zilch, nada, none.

They don't remember
those cloistered, sizzling infernos of June
those solitary, shivering nights of witchy new moons

and those

sodden, sultry volleys of pouring monsoons


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The Office Waits ...

The Office Waits

The office waits after
A quiet night,
Lulled to sleep by
The hum of the air con
And the tinnitus of the transformers.

The stillness and silence
Of the morning is broken
By the ping of the lifts
And their electronic voices;
By the clattering of keyboards and
The muttering of memory failures:
Another forgotten password.

Then the photocopier yawns -
Its plastic bo...

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The Man with the Black Cap

I see him sometimes at four in the morning

The man with the black cap

He walks his dog,

And apart from a nod

He’s not one for talking


He’s always there at four in the morning

The man with the dog

I guess he’s retired from some early morning job

Now he’s got the time

For walking


Still, it’s a grand time, four in the morning

For a man with a cap and a dog


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A slide show of Walmart customers triggered  this acrostic


So many people walk through the store
Every one of them unique, wanting more
Excess love of gadgets and household gear
So much in their trolleys they can hardly steer
And we see their pictures on You Tube these days
Wall flowers they are not, but on Walmarters craze

When they reach the check outs they look all a...

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you and us


YOU are surrounded by glass

Within that

The world

Can observe

The normality of dinner

The association of wealth

The body on the table

The watching of soaps

The entertaining of guests

The reading of books

Masturbation in bedrooms

The privacy of thought.

WE live under mirrors

And reflect them back at you

With that emotion

We coat o...

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confrontational history


if we looked at history
on a multi-plane spreadsheet
and compared the goings on
in each particular era
we shall find that at any given
period, no matter the advancement
there inevitably at a cost lay revealed
atrocities, genocides, discrimination
prejudices, and a lack of conscience
that marks the brute in humans
poets have also been present
ever a...

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