The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

Tigers (Remove filter)

Tigers Limerick (For International Tigers Day yesterday)

My brother says he knows a tiger named Spike,
Who rides around town on a small, shiny bike.
Speeding past McDonald's with grace,
Spinning through the library's space,
With a smile that astonishes all creatures alike.

(For International Tigers Day yesterday)

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Sambo bullied by controversy
His name appropriated by a culture to destroy history
To shame our ancestor's genealogy
Why use a child's name to create shame

Pancakes and ghee
About to have breakfast with Bhenji
Free to be everything even family


Sambo bullied by history
Another culture steels his story
Blamed for the generations pain
His story never told the same way again

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The Illusionist

It seems that the old-time "magic show" is experiencing something of a renaissance, especially in the visual mass media. Even so, I doubt its fundamental attraction will alter one iota. The gap between acclaim and scorn is still wafer-thin.


The Illusionist


Pay attention, dear reader, and I'll weave a magic vein,

where rabbits live in top hats and assistants float in air,


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Srebrenica - Сребреница


Will humanity ever learn? Europes worst war crime since World War II brought home the fact that its not just Cambodia and distant places where massacres occur, but anywhere that there is hate.

This time the Serb units in the area were in the wrong. Courts rules the Serb state as it was and is was not responsible. Last time it was...

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