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chill (Remove filter)


Grey winter chills me, stops me, binds me

Like ice sliding into my body..freezing my soul

Thoughts frozen can’t move me  

Lifeless limbs burning with cold

A stillness that isn’t calm 

A coldness that does me harm

Restricts my life’s horizon

Only my heart with the heat to fire my mind

A heart still beating for you 

A never dying ember of love

Let’s live where the sun a...

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Morning Sip

Beep, beep, beep

The alarm goes


The bed goes

Pop, snap, crack

The person goes

Drip, drip, drop

The coffee goes

Sip, breath in, ahhh

The person goes

This is the

Morning Sip

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From Heart To Zero

Fires burn hot but rarely last

What remains is just embers

Our own love-volcano cooled

I wonder if Julie remembers


She went from heart to zero

Furnace turning to ice floe

Soul out of fuel and cooled

Flames flickering with woe


She was temperamental

Blew cold with the best

All or nothing the norm

I got chilled like the rest


She went from heart to ze...

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bellowschillembersfiresfurnaceheart to zeroice floevolcano

You Think Too Much

It started when you saw me with Moira

Taking coffee in a bistro in Maine

Old friends innocently chewing the cud

Rendered yu distraught, quite insane


Two and two does not make five

Whichever way you try to slice it

Time to chill and cut me some slack

Or I'll reach for my hat and quit


Of course you know Moira perfectly well

I went to school with her brother


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The Still Quiet Air

The still quiet air
The freezing touch of his hand
Death is by my side

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And Now I'm Old

This poem carries faint echoes of winter in a Mediterranean climate, in this case the South West of Western Australia; limpid skies, stormclouds threatening, people in overcoats walking hastily. Rather like an English summer, I would have thought!


And Now I'm Old

And now I'm old as softening apples

left forgotten on a sideboard

after a windy day,

the murmur of the evening room


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now start breathing,

everything around is around for the same reason. 

Catastrophe, catastrophe its all the same feeling

i'm too old to move on, i'm too old to keep dreaming.


When to move on is to grow and to grow is not leaving,

in a promise land we grow, and speak of the same reason

we speak of heaven and hell like they're not the same demon.


Well to move...

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From where we are

Sometimes in this world we need to be broken

It is only then a new life can be woken

Stripping away all that is damaged and lost

Forgetting the past and what it has cost


Listen to the unspoken words of your soul

Rise from the ashes and aim for your goal

Believing in yourself is a good place to start

Is it time to rip the questions apart?


It is not always the stron...

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Clammy Shadows

Clammy Shadows

None of us are immune from these clammy shadows
of ghosts that pursue us from our long, long agos
with drafty whispers teasing our ears at night
leaving as quickly as we are seen to take fright
well gone before any help comes to hand
nothing left for others to grasp and understand

So under the protective tent of covers we go
at least that way our googly eyes will not sho...

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