The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Big Room

bragging about them is natural

my main bedroom is enormous

or, you should see our kitchen

you've never heard such a fuss


the living-room where gran died

private places for lovers' trysts,

modern caves instead of holes

in hill-sides wreathed in mists


civilised now, flock wall-papered

aertexed ceilings, marble floors,

don't omit that prerequisite, an


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Within These Walls

These days I feel a kinship with the four white walls,
Which guard my every move, every breath, every thought.
Observe how they close in on me, irked, distraught-
They make the world look small.
I speak to them in unfinished puzzles,
And superficial metaphors,
And subdued gurgles,
And defeated murmurs.
My words are nothing but a brook,
Whose melancholic babbles fill the chilly air.
They ...

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Berlin Irony

9th November 2019



A wall of shame

cut through a city and a people

a bleak new division:

we and the world turned away



A wall fell

remade a city, a people, a history

a bright new union:

we and the world rejoiced



Now we fashion

our uniquely British wall

a tragedy of repeated history:

the world wonders, shrugs




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unionunitywallsBerlin WalldivisiondivideEUBrexithistoryKarl MarxUKGBGreat BritainUnited Kingdomhome nations

Homesick Walls

Is there no hope of returning


Relative happiness is nice

A ping in my brain

A twinge in my heart

These pulses of ice in my veins

Never want to stop

Every moment distracted

You're there


Please, please don't cry

Every attempt to want to understand

You help

Another wall is slammed down between us 


Please don't push me away

I can be goo...

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