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Poisoning our Children
Carcinogenics in every single thing we buy
From our food, clothes, to even our hair dye
Although Europe does indeed do more to try to protect us
America really doesn't seem to give a flying fudge
They have many slimy loop holes which risk our health and safety
Like the fragrance loop hole that has, over these years, affected us far too greatly
They need not disclose chemicals that they use t...
Wednesday 14th November 2018 4:21 am
I am Both
I am not the fat girl
I am not the skinny girl.
I am both.
I am both the bingeing in the night
And the starving from pure fright.
I am both
In the mirror I am both.
I am the always too thin pile of bones
And the body too big to call home.
I am both.
In the shops I am both.
I am the girl who is too curvy to wear cute clothes
And the girl who's Inability to feel sexy make...
Wednesday 22nd August 2018 3:21 am
Ich Du
“Ich du, Ich du!”
Those words meant nothing to you.
Nought but bindings
Tethering me to you.
Your loving face turned hard,
Your gaze hurting me like barbs.
“Ich du, Ich du!”
The words that bind me to you.
Your ghastly glare
Evoking within me so much fear.
“I truly do love you dear,”
Barely but a long-lost whisper in my ears.
Your gentle touch tur...
Monday 18th June 2018 3:41 pm
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