Student (Remove filter)
Poem: Summer..
The scorching heat of Sun,
children playing in ponds and having fun.
The temperature may rise,
and if you are enjoying it.
You are also wise.
That is Summer!
The feel of blowing wind,
And because of the sweat,
our bodies get thinned.
and my sister’s flying hair.
And if we go out too much,
our skin gets dark from fair.
That is Summer!
In deserts it i...
Thursday 23rd May 2024 10:55 am
parties are the end of the world.
ive been invited to a party this saturday.
i think i will go,
i think i will get as drunk as i can.
to feel the painful crushing weight of the sunday hangover.
im going to act as if i am in a french film.
i will tell each person a different lie,
tell them something i've made up about myself.
these people dont know me.
dont know me at all.
but whats more lik...
Thursday 2nd June 2022 11:09 pm
Jam-jar mobile homes
For tiddlers as a kid,
I speculated in vain
Whither went the lid
Sweet student summer
Molten and strawberry
Castor candy foundry
Damson, grape, cherry
Blanched fruit in drums
Pectin sugar and colour,
Without which your jam
Would look much duller
Buff overalls crisply caked
Treacly crystallised hair,
Boss boilers wielding...
Tuesday 27th October 2020 10:52 am
I was a student at the time so
Lodgings were par for the course
I'll never forget Balham and
Mrs Gleeson, or was it Gleeful?
She'd knock on my door late at night
Usually there was some pretext,
A dog barking or a creaking stair
Then she'd sit on the bed and
Offer me a fag
It was only a matter of time
Uninhibited is the only word
I was left covered in scratches
...Tuesday 5th May 2020 10:57 am
Experimental Proposition Following Observation of Apathy
Schrodinger's cat
is both
in theory
Alive and Deceased
Poison has filled the bunker
but from the outside
is inconclusive
until futher analysis
In a similar
is Schrodinger's Student
who is both
here and absent
awake and asleep
consious and in coma
Fallen loved ones join Illness
in a dorm room
Wednesday 10th May 2017 9:33 am
Boredom slowly creeps upon me,
Like a fog on top a hill.
My eyes start glazing over,
My brain is standing still.
I’m trying to take notice,
Of the message being said,
But it all just sounds like noise to me,
Facts won’t stay in my head.
If only I could listen,
For just a minute more,
Yet concentration eludes me,
I’m thinking of the door.
I can see the mouth is m...
Saturday 15th October 2016 11:48 am
A lesson that I Taught
I Teach!!
I taught...
Here's a lesson that I taught...
I had this lesson. It were ace in my mind!
The planning was tight, concise, well timed
Going into the room - my stage
Put on the teacher face, the act
(My phone is buzzing but I don't react)
Lights, camera, action! You're on!
"Hi guys! Come in, unpack your things!"
Sunday 27th March 2016 4:07 pm
Isla Vista
Isla Vista
Life by the beach
students on fire
chicks with tattoos
streets filled with hope and crank
the guy from Hawaii is the coolest
away from mom and dad
high school was so yesterday
party at the Bob Marley house
after party in the morning
beer belly and whiskey dick
fake tits and nipple rings
warm beer and cold pizza
mac and cheese fill...
Friday 12th February 2016 4:32 pm
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