The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

Poem: Summer..

The scorching heat of Sun,

children playing in ponds and having fun.

The temperature may rise,

and if you are enjoying it.

You are also wise.

That is Summer!


The feel of blowing wind,

And because of the sweat,

our bodies get thinned.

and my sister’s flying hair.

And if we go out too much,

our skin gets dark from fair.

That is Summer!


In deserts it is worse,

so much heat,

it feels like sun’s curse,

sand dunes moving here and there,

people saying “that is not fair!”

That is Summer!


In mountains it rains,

it blocks all drains,

sometimes it floods,

but sometimes it is pleasant,

after some rain, it feels like,

god sprayed a scent.

That is Summer!


In summer, we save for winter,

in animals it is called hyperphagia

so much variety in our dinner.

As well as in veggies and fruits,

veggies – some are flowers, while some are roots.

That is Summer!


The season of flowers,

which gives us summers and also sunflowers.

The high heat of summers,

makes water evaporate,

Which brings monsoon, oh! That is great.

That is Summer!


Surya in India,

Ra in Alexendria.

Tonahtiayu in Aztec,

while Helios in Rome.

these are the names of sun gods,

but all of these are real , less are the odds

That is Summer!


For children, blessing in disguise,

the long holidays for 1 month!

But the mind of a child never satisfies.

In the end, it gives us festive season,

starting from Baisakhi and ending on Onam.

That is Summer.


In conclusion, some may like,

some may unlike.

It is the season of summer,

enjoy it!

Before into monsoon, we usher.




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