The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

A Deal With the Devil, or The Scales of Justice Shattered

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In A Deal With the Devil, or The Scales of Justice Shattered,
the poem condemns Donald Trump’s arbitrary pardons of 
over 1,500 criminals (the so-called J6), highlighting the dangerous 
erosion of justice under his unchecked power. 
This is a call to confront the corruption 
that distorts the law and undermines accountability, 
as power bends the rules to serve its own interests.

A single stroke absolves the guilty mass,
Fifteen-hundred freed by power’s crass.
The jailer casts his keys into the dust,
A president decrees, “Because I lust.”

What worth has law, if criminals it crowns?
The judge is mute; dissent meets power's frowns.
Fifteen-hundred stride the streets unbound,
While justice kneels where greed and power are found.

No thought of penance frees their wayward souls,
But tyrant’s whims now tear apart the scrolls.
Freedom’s price is paid with crooked decrees,
While truth lies shattered, scattered in the breeze.

This shame parades in silence, unchecked might,
While justice weeps unseen, denied her right.
What hope remains when laws are cast aside,
And pardoned sin walks free in reckless pride?

O citizens who see this grim charade,
Will courage rise to face what’s been betrayed?
Or will you stand as cowards let it be,
While power mocks what once kept justice free?

Trumpjusticecorruptionpowertyrannylawaccountabilitypardonsarbitrary rulepoliticsprotestinequalitylawlessnessfreedom

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Rolph David

Thu 23rd Jan 2025 16:17

Thank you Red B. Keshner, Hugh, Uilleam, Steve, Stephen A., and Flyntland for your like. 😏

Rolph David

Thu 23rd Jan 2025 16:15

Hello Uilleam,
As I just wrote Flyntland - we need staying power as far as this new old self-absorbed rooster called Trump and his clone Musk are concerned. In Germany, anti-Hitler programmes have been running on all channels for years so that the growing youth also learn about it - even if it comes out of your ears as an almost 60-year-old. They call it coping with history. And yet this Nazi party brood has been sprouting up again for some time now...and young Germans voted predominantly brown because they were allowed to cast their vote in the European elections at 16 - instead of 18. It was the Left and the Greens who made this possible in Germany. They both got their comeuppance. The young voted them out - contrary to expectations. Many young people orientate themselves on TikTok truths - completely unimpressed by better teachings from us adults. A bad omen...if you ask me.

Rolph David

Thu 23rd Jan 2025 16:07

Hello Flyntland,
Yes, it is very unfortunate that so many voted this psychopath and his clone into office.
It is already his third day - he is still warming up and over 20 states are already suing him for one of his ‘executive orders’ and its effects. That's a good thing. And yes, he is willing to sacrifice his supposedly great America if he thinks it makes sense. It's all about his political legacy, nothing else. If we're lucky, the world will survive him and his absurdity without any major damage and his name will ultimately be erased from the history books, stamps, etc. - as has already happened with Nixon. Well, people will still recognise him, but he will no longer appear on stamps and other memorabilia. I hope that these Musks, Zuckerbergs and Bezos will be disempowered in the end, expropriated and sent to Mars, where Musk wants to go, together with Trump and his criminal clan. What the Germans went through with Hitler and his henchmen in the 1920s and especially in the 1930s and 1940s is what North America is currently experiencing under Trump. The world has learnt NOTHING. History repeats itself...again and again! Unfortunately.
Don't you worry,
take care,

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Thu 23rd Jan 2025 11:12

In addition to my previous comment - - -

Trump is a man who is willing to 'go to war' against his own countrymen who didn't vote for him - he said he was going to be "a dictator" signaling intent, but later modified it "to just for one day" - we all know he lies.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 23rd Jan 2025 10:50

Thanks, Rolph.
You paint an accurately grim picture. The man who has deliberately twice given a Nazi salute to the watching world is now Trump's "Efficiency Adviser": and we know how important efficiency was to the Nazi Eugenics project.

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Wed 22nd Jan 2025 17:29

Your fourth stanza chills to the bone, Trump's misuse of power is terrifying he is capable of doing anything, just because he can.
He is very capable of making the world an even more unstable place, just for his own personal power.
I am afraid that the 'citizens' will have very little say when he has
manipulated the law to his own ends. Such is the way of dictators.

If I sound pessimistic it is because that is the way I feel - I wish I didn't

Rolph David

Wed 22nd Jan 2025 16:21

Thank you Naomi for your like!👍

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