In A Deal With the Devil, or The Scales of Justice Shattered,
the poem condemns Donald Trump’s arbitrary pardons of
over 1,500 criminals (the so-called J6), highlighting the dangerous
erosion of justice under his unchecked power.
This is a call to confront the corruption
that distorts the law and undermines accountability,
as power bends the rules to serve its own interests.
A single stroke absolves the guilty mass,
Fifteen-hundred freed by power’s crass.
The jailer casts his keys into the dust,
A president decrees, “Because I lust.”
What worth has law, if criminals it crowns?
The judge is mute; dissent meets power's frowns.
Fifteen-hundred stride the streets unbound,
While justice kneels where greed and power are found.
No thought of penance frees their wayward souls,
But tyrant’s whims now tear apart the scrolls.
Freedom’s price is paid with crooked decrees,
While truth lies shattered, scattered in the breeze.
This shame parades in silence, unchecked might,
While justice weeps unseen, denied her right.
What hope remains when laws are cast aside,
And pardoned sin walks free in reckless pride?
O citizens who see this grim charade,
Will courage rise to face what’s been betrayed?
Or will you stand as cowards let it be,
While power mocks what once kept justice free?
Rolph David
Thu 23rd Jan 2025 16:17
Thank you Red B. Keshner, Hugh, Uilleam, Steve, Stephen A., and Flyntland for your like. 😏