The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

Anthology (Remove filter)

A Warrior of Words

My poetry anthology has been published by the people at Cyberwit and is now available from Amazon by clicking the following link:

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Brunette. Blonde

Black. Grey

I am auburn.


Hazel. Green

Brown. Blue

I am Grey.


Tabs, blanks

Pockets, sockets

Corners, middles

I am unique.


Flat pieces; four points

Innies and lock

The back

always Grey


Without me, you are not complete

With me, we are replete


A needle in the haystack

melancholic morning


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Climate change and Lockdown

Is it the job of a poet to comment on current affairs? Are we political? Are some issues facing us beyond the political? Just some of the issues facing poets in a world which is bufftted by crises and facing immense challenges. 

Simon Armitage laid down the gauntlet on the climate emergency, effectively saying that it imbued everything we see or do, and MVP responded by dedicating our 2020 anth...

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climate changepoems on zoomanthologypandemic

Unmasked - a snippet from Buzzin Bards Anthology

The following piece is a snippet from Buzzin Bards Manchester Poetry Anthology, submissions are still open at:


While you’re too busy being two-faced 

I’ve got one face with many layers. 

Take me at face value, or take a detour, 

reforged, like Ant Man upon my deep pores. 

Tryna get 1UP, that’s a weak score...

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autismaspieaspergersmaskmaskingstigmamental healthTekkenRaymanSuperMarioAnt ManMarvelPS4computer gamesvideo gamesManchesterBuzzin BardsbeesacceptanceanthologyShakespearehip hopspoken wordpage poetry

The Whole Desolate Day, an anthology on addiction

I am very excited to announce that The Whole Desolate Day, an anthology of poetry on addiction, has been published!  This has been a four year production that I am proud to say has met its completion.  Thank you to all the authors, especially those from Write Out Loud, that took the time to compose and submit some of the most stunning words I've read in a long time.  I sincerely admire each poets ...

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poemsaddictionanthologyThe Whole Desolate DayLittle Lark PressLisa Zaran

Anthology on Addiction

The Whole Desolate Day, an anthology on addiction, is currently seeking submissions.

Send one to five poems/prose on addiction Deadline January 15, 2015 Reading fee:  $3 Publisher:  Little Lark Press

Please find full guidelines at:


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poetryaddictionanthologysubmissionscall for submissions

The Poetic Bond III


THE POETIC BOND III, ISBN 978-1492384199, published 5 October 2013

Poetry of the MOMENT, from across the PLANET, poetry of our WORLD

Poetry that documents the Contemporary Zeitgeist

Poetry that explores, illuminates and examines the Human Condition


Poetry from


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Poetic BondTrevor MaynardPoetryAnthologylovesocietyhuman condition

Moon invited to launch of Pressed by Unseen Feet

The August Blue Moon has been invited to the launch of Pressed by Unseen Feet, an anthology of poetry and short stories on the theme of the spectral unexpected. The evening is hosted by the Hotel du Vin in their courtyard with the sliding roof. Everyone is welcome. There is a small charge of £6 which includes a copy of the anthology and opportunity to hear Newcastle based singers, Skylark Song.


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GhostsLaunchBlue MoonSkylark SongAnthology

Our Ghost Anthology is at last ready to go

Well, content done, cover done just need to find an English printer who won't mess it up! Note that 'mess' was not my first choice of word. The title is 'Pressed by Unseen Feet' taken from TS Elliot's To Walter de la Mare' . The cover is by York artist Richard Barnes.

We are thinking of Launching it on the August Blue Moon.  

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Stairwell BooksGhostAnthologyPublisherBlog

Little Lark Press

Little Lark Press launches! 

I've wanted to begin a small press for years!  I've finally done it.

First (and currently the only) upcoming book is an anthology of poetry on addiction.  Addiction being a broad term, I am looking at work that follows any vein, including but not limited to:  drugs, alcohol, food, the internet, sex and love.

Full guidelines can be found at http://www.lit...

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addictionpoetrydrug poemsLittle Lark Presspoemsanthology

Anthology now available

Poetry in Flesh an anthology of selected poetical works is now available in digital format for Kindle devices, and on Kindle apps for iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, PC, Mac, Blackberry, Android-based devices, and Windows Phone 7 from Amazon, Writers Out and Smashwords.

More details of published work on my web site


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