The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Adolescence (Remove filter)

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Life is never so tough, and nor is it stranger
Than living the life of a teenager
They have many problems and many fears
Coping with pressures, mainly from their peers.

Life can be complex at this difficult time -
Trying to be first to the top of the ladder they climb.
They might feel they have the world on their shoulder,
As they strive to survive as they slowly get older.

It is a tim...

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Stuart VannerAdolescenceTeenagers


Now the lights are coming on
pink and orange, white and blue
from this distance they seem to melt into an aura
a haze hung above this haunted city

A clock tower looms over the rails
passing through this place I've never stopped here
I know nothing about how it moves or swells or stalls
but the lights all blanket it so heavenly
I think to myself, I'd like to return someday

Always, I fi...

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adolescencehomepassing throughteenagetrains


The music begins again.
You wallflowers who came
with the dance in mind
and empty hands to hold—
skulking along the fringe,
afraid to join in,
but more afraid to leave.
She comes.

You wither at her gaze,
hoping, not hoping
she is looking at you;
Would it mean more?
A joke, a fluke, a trick,
or perhaps a friend—
If you don’t see
will she leave?

Wallflower dancer
shaking and jiv...

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doubtuncertaintydancingwallflowergrowing upadolescencefriends


Time eludes us,
Or maybe,
It dilutes our sensitivity to the minutes passing by.
Idly, and without notice,
They slip away in days, weeks, months and years.
We grow up thinking our favorite shows will air forever,
That routines viewed through a bedroom door frame are entitled to infinity.
In twelve years we stretch from the slightest comprehension of the world, into a ...

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adolescencegrowing up

You Can’t Get Tits on a Kindle – an ode to Generation OMG

You can't get tits on a kindle,

so put that Amazon one down.

Your materialistic bullshit

truly does make me frown.


I got by on handmedown clothes,

chick sticks and Aldi own brand.

You really look silly with that massive phone kid,

it's bigger than your hand.


To me COD was a special chippy tea

on a Wednesday night, granddad got it for me.


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AdolescenceAmazonBoobsBooksGeneration OMGGeneration XKindleLiteraturePoetrySexSocietyTechnology.

Worshipper of the Moon

age 15

The enchanting  clear light

Of the immortal moon

Captivates my soul and brings me

To my knees.

Arms outstretched to cleanse myself

 In its silver shine

I am flooded with serenity.

But through a shrouded windy night

In this pit of sunken shadow

My being is in turmoil!

Cringing – exultant -

Cowering – triumphant -

Under t...

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