The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Worshipper of the Moon

age 15

The enchanting  clear light

Of the immortal moon

Captivates my soul and brings me

To my knees.

Arms outstretched to cleanse myself

 In its silver shine

I am flooded with serenity.

But through a shrouded windy night

In this pit of sunken shadow

My being is in turmoil!

Cringing – exultant -

Cowering – triumphant -

Under the pouring essence

Of the lustrous sphere

Vying with storm-pushed clouds

Scudding ever onwards

Illuminated linings

With hearts

As black as coal.

Cynthia Buell Thomas

age 15


◄ the great fallacy

Wembley Woes ►


<Deleted User> (8795)

Mon 6th Jun 2011 13:42

Thanks Cynthia, it feels good being able to put a smile on someone's face. I've written far too much dark and dreary stuff.

Just read Worshipper of the Moon -feels very siritual and inspiring- are you/were you a pagan or a Wiccan by any chance?

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Andy N

Fri 27th May 2011 14:09

phew - that's good going for 15 years old.. I'll dig up my one from when I was 17 but I was in a goth phase and I know it's defo not as good as this.. top one x

<Deleted User> (9186)

Thu 26th May 2011 20:44

I love this Cynthia - I like the dark stuff as you know - great imagery!! David

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Dave Bradley

Thu 26th May 2011 15:36

Only 15? This is good, Cynthia - lots of vivid imagery. The roller-coaster teenage experience is strongly present, but let's face it that continues for many of us.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Thu 26th May 2011 10:49

Please don't gag over some of the words; I was only 15, steeped in Early Poetry and the Romantics. Much of that Period Work was beautiful stuff, and I never regret that it was, and is, part of my esteemed Poetry Heritage. Besides, the title is absolutely true.

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