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mentalillness (Remove filter)


Becoming slowly unrecognizable to yourself and others
Feelings and thoughts take
a hold, giving you the shudders
Memories and emotions that seem to flood your heart
Faces and places making it hard to know where to start
Decisions throughout the day, waiting to be made
Resting again in bed where it all just seems to fade
Urges of wanting help yet not knowing what to say
Triggers causing you...

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Sunday Morning Thought

I have been


Death has held me

Life has killed me

But you still think

You have the right

To give me advice

As if you’re above me

If you let me speak

You might learn


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She was trying

Trying to be calm

Trying to mute the

Monologue inside her mind.


Full of contradictions to herself,

Full of arguments

Full of endless thoughts


She felt like being pulled

In a spiral

Down and down and down

With each breath she took

Swallowing her own soul


As if she split up

Into two halves

Halves against each other

She was he...

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Bit of a cough

I have got a bit of a cough I say

That is why my voice is breaking

Like shattered glass

And that my tears might trickle I say

I must have forgot to mention

How it is not only my oesophagus that blisters and pinches

Followed by crackles and sizzles

And that a tsunami is likely

Yet no diagnosis

And maybe I am not ill at all

I must have neglected to mention that


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