The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Little in the dark of a Donegal sky 

gives way, until the eyes soften

to a clarity where hidden 

ancient light reveals itself. 

In time, when there is space 

for clouds to shed their cloak,

star trails streak slow in circles, 

like cool astral spirography.

Joy and wonder never fail, 

standing rooted and barefooted

in my front yard, earthed,

like a human lightning r...

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nightskydark skyastronomy

I Love Your Allure

I would never question your narrative— as it be, figuratively.

Cheers to another year: it’s ever clear — our glasses never get drunk.

(for all intents and purposes) spirited twin flames pour out libations to a personal god
No half truths with you.
I idolize your third eyes outlook on life...
Our inner visions - seen to fruition - showcase infinite possibilities
Granted we share the same ...

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NaturepoetryspiritualityValentinesloveloversromanticromantic poetrygodcreativeastrologyastronomypaperromancecreation


Entering into today’s day and age, we take turns turning the page.

Let us begin,
as were taken back to a time— lined with the new heights of always measuring up to ones expectations.
Ascendant signs are all "GO".
birthmarks placed on the face of the earth; add attachment to the earthly plane, and embody rebirth.
the fabric of the universe tucks us away—as our materialization is made—from a ...

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Her universe was split into a mass of struggles and compressed emotions within an sunken space. 

The collisions of depression and anxiety grew stronger forming dark energy made up of misery; it’s high density crushed happiness quicker than the speed of light.

There were once stars in her eyes, shone brighter than any quasars, but it burned away creating the black hole in her being, leaving...

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Heavenly Bodies

August is a great month for star gazers!

Fully clothed

With naked eye

She gazes upwards

To a moonlit sky

A mighty presence

Swiftly felt

Orion appears

Only wearing 

A belt

She's waited here

Till an early morn 

For his shimmering touch

On a summer's dawn

The hunter haunts her

As Venus looks on

But when sun arises

Her lover is gone


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Can You Hear The Moon Sing At Night?

Can you hear the moon sing at night?
A distant melody from the most dulcet vocal pipes?
Have you ever nestled in her crescent bed
Like the kid in the DreamWorks emblem?
My winsome lady
Dotes on me.
Her visage,
Part amused, part exasperated.
For she knows why I've come to see her again--
To steal the roux from stars, milky and fulgent.
To hoard fragments of the night sky in my wooden ches...

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PoetryastronomycraterdiamondsexplosiongemsMoonnightrepressed memoriesstarsvolcano

Desert Sky

Driving in a roast red desert
Headlights staring into primeval dark
The untrammeled sky glorious

Above us a bridge of stars
Rivering between rocky horizons
At once near and so very far

Cricking my neck to see
I bounced around the back of the open jeep
Absorbing, amid the shudders, splendor

Star birth and death, worlds hidden by distance
Great glowing nebulae
Fat in the centre, a d...

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