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Have a Try

Hi I am Mary and my cat is Bill

who’s green and fat but never ill

he loves to talk and can’t sit still

and often colors to get his fill

drawing pink penguins and orange

dolphins of each both had a million

cousins I said

“who could imagine that…such a funny cat!”  

“but it’s easy,” Bill replied without fear

“all you need is hold what’s dear”

so don’t be shy do have a t...

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shynesschildrenpoemcourageovercome adversity


Under the moon's silver glow,
I could forget everything and live in this moment forever,
tugs on the heartstring like a beautiful voice in song,
words are the dreams the heart makes,
all now of the dream I have is a requiem.

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requiemnice poempoemspoemshort poempoetry

The Mystery of Night

They say the night has a thousand Eyes,
It's beauty no one denies,
The nocturnal passing is cool and crisp,
The mind creates ghosts from a single wisp,
No man knows night truly,
Man knows it comes by dark and cooly,
It has a feeling of enchantment,
Beholders are usually lost in the moment,
The glazed eye that is the moon comes ever slowly,
In the dark speckled sky, people watch them longi...

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nightstarsmoonthe moonthe nightpoempoetrypoems

The Reign of Rain

Cool and softly falls the rain,
from the silvery sky,
it comes sweetly hissing on my roof,
refreshing the world with its life-giving nectar.

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Death's Token

Upon my grave do not grieve,
Just leave upon it death's token in reprieve,
A single lily fear not my grave be not chilly,
It is the home of love I am now in heaven far above.

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epitaphpoempoems. deathpoetry


One of a firepit, another a grotto

A low, dim mist leaks from between hills like the Milky Way erupted

From deep below

The earth was warm and its emerald undertone became glossy beneath the ice

And ochre paint of daffodils smears with browned frost


The home itself is but a disorganized cabin

With its heavy vines sewn throughout pine beams

And all the world is quiet but fo...

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love poemscabinnaturenostalgiapoem

A Dim Afterparty

A Dim Afterparty

Thou shall never know if words could ever suffice

Nor should the laws of nature bound the mind to the earth

For we exist as long as the fade of eternal light

Brings a dimming to the afterparty as we find it cannot always be night


And though our hands feel our knees and our locked chests

Some can see clearly yet roam in the subconscious dark depths

In a ...

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My Best Friend

She was my best friend.

I loved her unconditionally.

I loved the way she spoke her mind,

The way she worded things.

The way she lied.

Oh how she loved to lie,

Twisting stories to keep me hooked.

She doesn’t know that I know about her lies.

She doesn’t need to.

As much as she’s hurt me,

I could never hurt her back.

I mean, I wouldn’t dare to.

She’s my best friend...

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As dark as the night

This is how their eyes look like.

They told me once

Sad eyes are coal black.

From crime to punishment

They got used to travelling

Hand in hand with the act of crying.

As deep as the sea

This is how they look at the pain.

Just like the drops of the rain

This is how they shed tears

Behind the bars.

No need to use fancy words

To tell the sto...

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poetry eventsad poetrypoem

Let the Music Play

we were an unsinkable ship,
built to sustain any injury
thrown our way, or so we said.

cast into the dark,
yet illuminated with infinite possibilities.

suddenly slipping through our fingers
the bitter cold quickly rushed in,
and the music played on.

while the chaos surrounded us
and the children were tucked safely in their bed,
the music played on.

while prayers were whispered,

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The World in Lockdown People's Poem (Merseyside)







A patchwork-style poem written by the people of Merseyside during England's first Coronavirus lockdown 2020




Curated by Barry Woods

Assisted by Michelle Wright





(c) Copyright contributors 2020 (listed at the end)












World in Lockdown


We're earning o...

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Our energies intertwined 

patiently waiting for that moment of ascension

When our two souls merge into one 

An attraction that’s beyond the physical 

Your very essence entices me 

The goodness within you knows no bounds

Your heart drips liquid gold

Encased in a rich chocolate package 

Only time will tell if the symmetry of your heart matches mine perfectly!

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Friday Tidbit

Linear intricacies

I might just be a tiny speck In this vast universe but everyday I leave a little part of myself behind in the ether so I exist in a linear space that can only be accessed through my mind. 




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Do not think it’s over.

It’s not even a start.

A poet, a philosopher

Just need more time.


Everything is not verbal.

Deeper sense remains untold.

Usually, but not forever!


With a little more inspiration,

A bit more reassurance

It will come out sooner.


It has to come out.

How long will it be?

Can it stay unexpressed?


Few souls are old.


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The walls tell lies

So do not touch them

Especially if you feel lonely

You will feel icecold otherwise


Beyond the Moon lies

The exhausted star of your eyes

Do not wish on that star

And do not ever want to cry


The lyrics will become parts of lies

If your heart does not compose them

So do not sing, and pretend to be wise

Keep on feeling not the same

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Black Sheep And White Clouds

You're a steady stream of bad choices waiting to happen.

The eye of the storm, or the calm before it?
What's the difference?
It's going to ruin you anyway.
You're a constant trickle of water, wanting to make noise but too scared to do it.
Because you're a puppet controlled by strings.
Water controlled by the trap.

I wish my life was like a game show where you press the buzzer and you're...

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sad poemspoemself loathinglovepassionpainself hateblack sheep

The Blame

The bird had put the blame

On the wind

To escape from the accusations

Made by the rose

The wind had put the blame

On the season

To define herself as the breeze

That every flower wants to seize

The time had put the blame

On the ambigous space

To defend her soul once again

Arguing that she was not feeling the same

The artist had put the blame

On the lyrics of t...

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Listening to Heart ❤ !!

Living a life of fantasy is such fun.

Once you give your life control to your heart,

you begin to enjoy its every part.

At times listening to heart gives memories,

and you can spend your life with its stories.


I lived my 10th grade in the fantasy world of reality

when I gave my life control to my feelings impatiently.

Something I'll never regret,

not even in the days o...

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advaita singhballetfantasyfeelingslivingloveloverspoempoetpoetry


Entering into today’s day and age, we take turns turning the page.

Let us begin,
as were taken back to a time— lined with the new heights of always measuring up to ones expectations.
Ascendant signs are all "GO".
birthmarks placed on the face of the earth; add attachment to the earthly plane, and embody rebirth.
the fabric of the universe tucks us away—as our materialization is made—from a ...

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A Women's Catharsis

I want to breathe

I want to cry

I want to live

I want to die

I want to stay out til' 7am

I want a boy that's heaven sent

I want a house

I want a car

I want to travel

But not too far

I want to laugh

I don't want to think

I want to pour myself a big fat drink

I want to dance

I want to fight

I want to see your face in morning light

I want to jump into t...

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The Feminist Friend

Everyone’s having babies

Everything’s just turned up a whole notch of crazy

They must just think I’m lazy

But I too, could really love a baby


Makes me feel quite stupid

I’ve never had luck with cupid

Life doesn’t come with a blueprint

But really did for you, kid


Never been dripping in diamonds

Couldn’t find a man to afford them

And even if he offered

I’d ...

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woods filled with snow

woods filled with snow



I walked through woods

as they filled with snow

a winters walk to fill my lungs

with cold december chill


I came to a small rise

one that I did not know

where did this hill come from

how was I unaware


I looked for familiar sightings

but found none

nothing seemed identifiable


I walked to the edge of the hill

and p...

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Some day

Some day you gonna say,  some day you gonna stop
Some day the world will listen,  some day they gonna stop
Its better to look in bright, so it make you shine
Mix all ingredients of guide, So that it tastes like wine
Follow your heart,  follow your dream
Follow your happiness which makes people scream.

Some day you gonna say,  some day you gonna stop
Some day the world will liste...

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This winter afternoon

Everything is calm

Everything is silence around me

I only listen to my thoughts

And the inevitable noise

coming from the heater.


I am sitting, staring at nothing



Deep wounds bleed again

Hard times come to me

Long sleepless nights

Wild parties

Expensive trips

Sad and old songs

Therapies, books, movies and...

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Hello, how are you today: upper,middle,lower— class.
front, and center.
I’d like to think if a kid were to get up and say I can’t stand this, then the teacher would get behind them in an orderly fashion.
side by side, classroom C-3 parts in the middle of the day, to make their way back to their seat,
show and tells of mommy and me– are always well received.

A pinned-up faction icon that sta...

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alignmentcrushearthgeometrygodhollywoodhoroscopeslovelovedloversnaturepoempoetrysacredspiritualityValentinesvalentines dayzodiac

A Valentine for our time

A bit of light wordplay written pre Trump's eviction to lighten my mood whilst watching what seemed to be a love race to failure between leaders.




Two households, both alack in dignity,

(In fair Corona, where we lay our scene),

Where ancient men come under new scrutiny,

And touching handles leaves civil hands unclean,


From forth the fatal grip of this new f...

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Last Day at School

Reflections on single-parenthood. 


Last Day at School 


And you are off,

Floating through our front door,

Awash with make-up,

Dripping with love,

Much taller now,

Towering above me

A figure of strength,


 Last day at school


Where are you now?

When you are not with me,

No need for cuddles,

No clinging to my leg,


You won’t remember,


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Virus Blues: Removal of the Magnificent

Virus Blues: Removal of the Magnificent

 January 14, 2021.  © Mark, All rights reserved

Suggested limits
for foregone futures,
the virus adaption
of torn open sutures.

Partial containment
while our vulnerable vacate,
the vaccine dilemma,
for the fit to placate.

A lockdown series,
serious intention
twitching behind curtains,
turmoiled perception.

Removal of life
removal of...

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Virus Blues: A Bigley Death Rate

Virus Blues: A Bigley Death Rate

November 20, 2020.  © Mark, All rights reserved

Fallen fallen
so low are we,
as a vindictive little virus
chops down our tree.

The chomping chins
dribble out their spit,
a bigley death rate
says an orange twit.

The homogenised lambast
a terminal bent,
health is now
a simple monetised intent.

Vaccines stab at
our glimmered hope,
who's fir...

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Virus Blues 'We didn't go and run away somewhere'

Virus Blues 'We didn't go and run away somewhere'

November 11, 2020.  © Mark, All rights reserved



We didn't go and run away somewhere
just the way we should,
symptoms closer
faster than ever now,
leaking fevered intimate despair.

the grunting of that typical class
deafens the squealing of the sores,
the requiem of the virus boys
stifles the digested stagnant snores.


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'I'm fine'

There is a river that runs through me

But I can’t see its colours shine so brightly

I keep them all so confidential

And all of the breakdowns so existential

‘Going mental’, the mind’s so fragile


Can’t it be easy like it was when we were kids?

You grow up, some days stare into the abyss

But there is nothing like true happiness

You must hold on to happiness


When ...

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My mamma always told me
Don't think so much, do not to fret
She said you should give things time
And time would work, even if not yet
What people say, you cannot change
But remember her words, never forget
"You are the light in the darkness, you are hope
Just smile through it, do not mope."
Words might not change, people say what they say
Kill em with kindness, do as you may.

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poempoetrykindbe kind


Women, girls
Little ladies with bouncy curls
We are brought to Mother earth with names of angels, princesses and fairies
But all too soon, the world we grow in turns unsafe, hideous, and scary
These flowers - as buds they never remain
For before 'tis the time to bloom, they learn to battle with the flames

Every day, every moment, a battle she fights
That little lady, that angel, with all ...

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womens rightsempowermentpoempoetry


In search of love
Do travellers venture dangerous lands

Their hardships conveyed through the tender hands
Which caress and soothe the hearts of lovers left hurt
Which push and help these lovers out of the dirt
And carry them away from the pull of the sand

Their eyes seemingly sharp and bold
For with this courage have they only found it right
To laugh, to learn, to cherish, to fight

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Growing up I didn't know
If I was immature or just a little slow
You see I always had intentions for the best
But I took to heart all these suggestions given by the rest
Suggestions that didn't make all that sense
Which made me think twice on my self-confidence
You see I always had intentions for the best
But maybe I was too naive,
too hung up, too tense.
In my quest to be better, I admit...

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ZANCE from my new book





A man who wants to be a God

Man only not a supernatural being?

Exactly what are you and why?

Man enough to dare to be a God




Nick Armbrister and other writers




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Résumé / Michael Kwack


Love is, like art,

dull without passion.


Marriage is, like enterprise,

vain without fortune.


Home is, like a chair,

awkward without comfort.


Life is, like sleep,

hollow without a dream.


Death* is, like a letter,

absurd without a story.


  *Death means suicide.

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