The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Giving up (Remove filter)

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It’s finally the day to come,

blood mixing in.

Flows like a river

through oceans of sin.


Long past the point

where the numbness was new.

Long past believing

that anything’s true.


Steel against flint,

only flash in this night.

Desperate to see

but it only ignites,


the gasoline soaked

twisted rags in my soul.

No way to stop it

and nowhere t...

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Life Is A Slow Death (God Please Help Me)

I can't take it,

I'm only asking,

Please Lord help me,

I'm tired of relapsing,

Over and over,

My veins are collapsing,

I know you hear me,

I'm sorry for babbling,

I don't understand,

Why this keeps happening,

I'm covering the pain,

It's so everlasting,

The hurt burns deep,

It never stops dragging,

Life is a slow death,

It's truly a sad thing,

My hand...

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DeathDepressionEmptinessGiving upHating LifeHeartbreakHopelessHurtLifeLostNegative thoughtsPainRelapseSoul Crushed

What We Leave Behind (and what we take)

You told me I was worthy of more, but always convinced me to stay


But today

Today I leave our bedroom the way it was left this morning 

Cushions and pillows adorning the bed 

we chose for this life together 

A shared bathroom that won't be shared anymore 

Two shelves, one mostly empty 

A walk in wardrobe, filled once with fabric that clothed us

Only now it is bare with...

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leavingforgettingmoving ongiving up

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